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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Hands-on Preview

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  • Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Hands-on Preview

    Eurogamer has gotten down and dirty with a sneak peak at the latest Operation Flashpoint game, Dragon Rising.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>
    There's obviously significant concern from the hardcore fans of the original PC version that this is coming out for 360, PS3, as well as PC. But this is something Codies is determined will surprise everyone. The engine has been specifically designed to achieve its enormous scale without burning out your console's chip, and as such will also not demand a top-of-the-range PC to play. However, play it on a top-notch PC and you're going to be able to scale it to look stunning. There's also not been any compromise in the features when switching to a controller. The quick-command system replaces the need for a keyboard full of buttons, and enormous amounts of work has been put into letting the analogue sticks provide something equivalent to mouse aiming without adding in any aim assist.

    "The hardcore base don't want aim-assist," says Lindop. "We had an aim assist at one point, we did put it in just to see what the experience was like, but it was worse. You've got so many enemies on the battlefield. It's okay when the guy's ten foot from you, and you're in a street, and you say 'snap to that' and it does. But when there's thirty, forty, fifty guys on screen, and they're all very far away, you press snap and the system goes, 'Who?' There's about thirty guys within that tiny area."

    However, it's not supposed to be too simple to master. Codies says it takes around twenty to thirty minutes for a player to become comfortable with the controls, but you'll find you'll only truly master certain aspects. "It's part of the system we want. The game rewards skill," Lindop explains. "We think players want to have that experience, to be able to say, 'I won because I'm good at the game. Not because the game carved a hole for me through this experience.'"

    "Not everybody's going to be a great sniper. Others will be excellent. Some will find it tricky to do. This is one of the things I think the co-op will show is, because there's a genuine skill level in the game, then co-op will become a lot more meaningful and rewarding experience."

    If you're a long time fan of the series, or looking for something new, be sure and read Eurogamer's three page preview. They continue on to discuss co-op, multiplayer, avoiding the "console effect", and much more.

  • #2
    Re: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Hands-on Preview

    It says "'Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising' Screenshot 3" in the middle of the quote.


    • #3
      Re: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Hands-on Preview

      Originally posted by Jez- View Post
      It says "'Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising' Screenshot 3" in the middle of the quote.
      Thanks for catching that.

