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New CS Weapon Pricing - The CS Market

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  • #46
    Im going to love this update, I am the biggest TMP whore online, so it being even cheaper should just help me sharpen those skills more Ooh, that and the fiveseven, you guys are screwed WEEEEEEEEEEEE


    • #47
      Did we not have this conversation about the new radar and how it was magically going to "ruin" css, but people got over it and found out it was a great addition. Or for that matter the AWP changes and every other single little change that has been made to CS and CS:S over the years, and every one was apparently meant to kill the game and the player base would all leave? Well sorry to tell you after each change the player numbers for BOTH games have gone up.

      Hah littledude, I dunno try comparing say beta1 to 1.6 and they are totally different games, heck try comparing 1.3 to 1.6 and there is quite a big divergence, so that blows out the "zomg if they change CS it aint CS"

      If it sucks Valve will take it out, but I do hope they have some kind of opt in method for comp matches.


      • #48
        Grimbal wrote..

        This is a terrible idea, The worst i have seen put into source yet!, Valve is changing the game way too much, change the prices of the weapons but not every week that just ruinings the gameplay!
        This isn't your father's CS anymore. Change is inevitable.


        • #49
          Zips wrote..

          This isn't your father's CS anymore. Change is inevitable.
          It is, as long as Valve keeps the better CS game on steam.


          • #50
            hahahahahaha, I give this feature about a week. two would be pushing it. keeping it for any longer will massively cripple the game.

            rofflejaculation @ deagle price:
            projected price

            $930 (+43.08%)
            you won't be able to buy it in the pistol round, haha. just as well, since a flashbang and some ammo are way more useful.

            I personally think it's an okay feature. adds some unpredictablity to the game, but hey, I don't even play CS so what do I care. I saw this on slashdot.


            • #51
              Supersonic^ wrote..

              hahahahahaha, I give this feature about a week. two would be pushing it. keeping it for any longer will massively cripple the game.

              rofflejaculation @ deagle price:

              you won't be able to buy it in the pistol round, haha. just as well, since a flashbang and some ammo are way more useful.

              I personally think it's an okay feature. adds some unpredictablity to the game, but hey, I don't even play CS so what do I care. I saw this on slashdot.
              How would it severely cripple anything? If people can't buy the deagle, then the price will go down in the next update. Eventually, just in real world economics, a balance will be found with very minor adjustments here and there.

              Yeah, it will be a bit spotty in the beginning but once that period is over, things will even as mentioned.


              • #52
                To me there are a few flaws in Valve's reasoning:

                1. Depends on map

                There is a market for a given gun for each map. If you're playing a small cramped map ppl may buy SG and not the Colt. So to me the market should be based on a per map metric. (Of course this would be quite confusing

                2. Depends on money

                If I have $3k I'm only going to be able to buy certain guns, it would make more sense to report what the person bought when they had x-cash level. Then they can weight the true popularity of buying the gun given the possible one you could have purchased. After all the aim here is to make people choose guns they normally wouldn't.

                3. Only works for vanilla servers

                For every vanilla server, there is a server that bans AWP, or maybe has a scoutzknives map, all these non-vanilla servers skew the market. Also there are plent of servers that give you $16k every round. So valve here is banking on the fact that vanilla servers greatly out numbers non-vanilla ones. I would be surprised if that was true.


                • #53
                  Edited by [user="144712"] @ [time="1159043181"]

                  I just orgasmed at the thought of all the complaning.

                  It sounds like a cool idea though. It'll be intresting to see how far it plays out.


                  • #54
                    It's interesting how Valve is addressing things NO ONE is complaining about, like the radar and now the money.

                    And yes, the radar still blows.


                    • #55
                      this is a sick way of gettin people to use new weapons......but then again when i think about it my weapons of choice are the p90, famas and the m3 shottie


                      • #56
                        look I think we can all agree that vavle should be fixing things that are broken before adding new things and weapon pricing is not one of them. theres still countless problems in the netcode sourcetv and gameplay not to mention weapon damage and the bomb blast radius.

                        It would be awesome if they started fixing things that matterd.


                        • #57
                          Zips wrote..

                          This isn't your father's CS anymore. Change is inevitable.
                          Yea your right change is inevitable.

                          But changing source into something that will not be anything like its brother cs 1.6 which i thought was Valves idea of making cs:s a port of 1.6.

                          Anyways i suppose i havent used this new pricing system so i dont know what it is going to be like, But the main thing that it will affect is nobody will have a consistent style of playing.


                          • #58

                            [Do not break the comments page -Zips]


                            • #59
                              WOW! All this and I thought they were just going to tweak all the guns. I really wanted to see a scope on the m3. love that shotgun at long range.


                              • #60
                                this is pretty easy to overcome. admins in servers can simply refill everyone's bank account to max so they can afford all the guns. they've been doing this is several servers i joined. i'd expect they will do this as a FU to valve. i don't think valve is gonna make guns go over the $16000 limit. that would be funny.

                                people who had buy strategies are the ones who are screwed. but this keeps noobs from using the good guns since they'll be the ones dying anyways.

