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The State of the CS-Nation

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  • The State of the CS-Nation

    Catchy title, isn't it? I certainly thought so. At any rate, we're looking to get some things updated around these parts. So far, we've begun the hiring process for new volunteer news posters. Yes, we are STILL looking for more people who are interested! If you wanted to toss your hat into the ring but thought the deadline was over, there's still plenty of time. Just read up on that old news post with the requirements and shoot me an e-mail with the necessary information.

    With that said, you've probably already seen a number of new news posts by the three new staff members I've just recently hired. A hearty congratulations goes out to Gunnery, Romba13, and HeLLy for becoming part of the CS-Nation news posting staff (though you may remember HeLLy from the site's past)! Hopefully you'll enjoy their hard work here (if only because you won't have to see me as often!).

    As said, new staff is always welcome and as the news duties are spread out to others here, I'm left with a bit more free time to address other areas of the site. I'm going to be working on updating a number of the sidebar areas of the site (Staff page, CS: Source guide, etc). With that, if anyone notices a particular area of the site that needs dire attention, feel free to leave a comment here or e-mail me with the subject "UPDATE THIS!" Just provide to me a link to the section in question and your brief suggestions on what should be updated and I'll set to work on it ASAP.

    As usual, we're hoping to deliver new content to you in the future. Hardware reviews, previews, map reviews and the like will continue as often as possible. We're also hoping to have the mailbag make a return, and I had an idea for an updated map comparison section for CS1.6 to Condition Zero to CS: Source.

    For those of you out there who aren't fans of reading, here's the tl;dr version: We're still hiring, lots of stuff planned, and plenty of pizza boxes left in our wake.

  • #2
    How about a section with staff bio's and even an actual picture of you guys. We need to put a face to the names


    • #3
      this site blows now, use to be good back in they day.


      • #4
        AceR wrote..

        this site blows now, use to be good back in they day.
        Then why did you post?


        • #5
          AceR wrote..

          this site blows now, use to be good back in they day.
          That was neither constructive nor a compliment!


          • #6
            Actually, I talk a lot of shit, but I think they are doing an ok job considering how old cs is. Even with cs source, there isnt much to talk about. Plus, when they try to implement new ideas... they get shot down by bitchy assholes who dont know how to filter their settings correctly. All in all, csn is doing a much better job than any other site out there. Congratualtions CSN !! YOU WIN AT THE INTERNTZ


            • #7
              Yea, well, stuff use to happen back in the day. A news site depends on..and stick with me here, this is a toughy..NEWS!


              • #8
                rizzuh wrote..

                That was neither constructive nor a compliment!
                Sounds like somebody watches The Office.


                • #9
                  tbh, I dont even like CS anymore, I just read and coment on what goes on. I paid my $5 for CSN I think they do fine w/ covering what news there is with CS, that is why they have covered more things like all Steam topics, because of the lack thereof. Reaching out has kept their survival going. Long live CSN and good luck with your future changes...where is voodoosniper...


                  • #10
                    what I thought this was CNN


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the congrats Zips. It's good to be back!


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="64652"] @ [time="1140765841"]

                        I'm back as well, not many remember me but to those who do....

                        Your memory serves you too well.... :-)

                        Anyway, unfortunatly I got to hit the sack for the night, but you will see plenty more of me soon enough.

                        E3 2K6 here I come!

                        P.S - I'm actually already booked for E3, I fronted the $$ myself. :-)


                        • #13
                          Some day I'd like to go to E3... before the PC dies...



                          • #14
                            what happened to ass pennies?


                            • #15
                              Its good to be here

