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Xfire Updated - Version 1.51

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  • #16
    Edited by [user="373066"] @ [time="1138668902"]

    Well now, I just thought it was bad grammer.

    We were all trying to help so it's all good.


    • #17
      woah wrote..

      I'm assuming your friends would need to have Xfire to be able to see if they're online or not?
      If only we were able to spy on our friends without them installing Xfire first... the world of digital stalking would be so very improved!
      Salamandra wrote..

      Yes. If it was able to do that... it would be self-spreading spyware.
      Someone invent this so I can actually use Xfire to talk to all my peeps, not just the handful that got tired of waiting around for Friends.
      washuplushie wrote..

      someone explain to me why i should stop using msn and aim and use ANOTHER stupid messenger service
      Last time I checked Xfire was gamer-oriented... not general population oriented like AIM and MSN are. Get Trillian to take care of your AIM and MSN, then get Xfire too and you'll remain at just two chat clients. :P

