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  • #31
    :O ;D D:? !

    Problem solved.


    • #32
      THAT CT IS A RACIST.... retard.


      • #33
        Good job 3D.


        • #34
          As much as I'd agree the police officers in the Rodney King beating acted somewhat excessively... I think it's sort of an interesting commentary how we excuse Rodney King for being coked up and attacking police officers simply because they were (mostly) white and won the fight.

          I'm not racist, and I dispise most cops as much or more than the next guy, but the fact remains that after driving well over 100mph through residential areas and then attacking officers repeatedly even after being shocked with tasers... what the hell could Rodney King expect to have happen to him? Well, probably wasn't thinking about it at the time, with his mind in the severely altered state that it was in. I don't know how many of you have seen the video, but basically the officers are standing around him trying to arrest him, and every time he starts to get up (as he did earlier before charging and attacking) they whack him to keep him down.

          Yet so often it's brought up as if a law-abiding black man minding his own business was unfairly targeted by police, drug from his car as he tried to submit, and then beaten half to death by all-white officers.

          That simply wasn't the case, but people would rather use a vague reference to a situation that looks bad, rather than digging deeper, actually seeing what happened, and being dropped back to facts rather than being able to use sensationalism to make the point they want to make.

          Honestly, I thought the riots afterward were a far better commentary on society than the King incident was. Note that I said on society, not merely on race.


          • #35
            Well thought out and well written comment. I admit, I didn't know exactly what happened, and shouldn't have referenced it.


            • #36
              It's north america, not much competition there anyway. Hopefully this will help the kiddies move off llama cs to css which is far better. I play both and find css to be much more polished even though I treat it like a's better than beta5 was in cs and that's saying a lot.

