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Introspective Single Plays CS

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  • Introspective Single Plays CS

    In a story that is likely to win one of this year's Pulitzers, the Associated Press has taken a look at an all female CS clan. The girls call themselves "The Outsiders," which furthers the cause for the "more like, I'd like to be insider" brand of humor.
    "It really is big," exclaimed Malin Ohman.

    The conglomeration of young women began forming through multiplayer online "Counterstrike" sessions three years ago. Although the majority of Les Seules hail from the land of the midnight sun (two are Dutch), they're geographically divided.
    Yeah, it has a frickin picture of one of the girls.

  • #2
    Hot damn! Is that really one of the girls?


    • #3
      HAWT! I thought all girls that played CS would be ugly, but that proved me wrong.


      • #4
        either she doesn't really play CS, or is bad at it, because she can't look that good and play CS well.

        But then again, she's Swedish, and we all know how they play CS... freakin insane


        • #5
          I can see where these comments are heading... it's not productive.


          • #6
            Good to see the opposite sex doing well in counter strike


            • #7
              I personally don't really find her that attractive at all.

              More importantly, that's not the point. Good to see the spreading of CS.


              • #8
                These girls were on my fav radio show ( here is a link to a vid if you want to check them out, they make horrid radio guests so no need to listen.


                • #9
                  actually ive seen few girls play cs they weren't ugly the ones i saw


                  • #10
                    Howard Stern rip-offs make me smile


                    • #11
                      What kind of idiots think girls that play CS are all ugly? let alone those who still think girls playing cs is something new.

                      Oh, I know, losers who don't have any girl friends and who's only social life revolves around counter-strike.

                      Idiots automatically think only fat ugly girls play cs or video games in general, Like its the way the universe is run or some shit. They are probably fat and/or ugly themselves and/or feel threatened at the fact chicks play.

                      CS has been around for years, girls have been playing for years. I'm sure girls playing CS is beyond anything new and revolutionary.

                      No wonder I've deleted cs. Going here everytime reminds me of the whiny idiotic cs community.

                      (most cs gamer)

                      *whine* this version is worse than the last, but i still keep on playing

                      *whine* when is the next game coming out?

                      *whine* about time this game came out

                      *whine* this version of the game sucks

                      *whine* haxor!

                      *whine* i just realised i suck.

                      post your reply, it really won't matter, I'm not going back to check. In fact, I really aint coming back here after this. Man the cs community is stupid.


                      • #12
                        Haha, what a flamer.


                        • #13
                          The members of Les Seules are: Thomsen, 24, the unofficial leader; Thelma Lundin, 20, the competitive player; Bystrom, 20, the sassy sprite; Sandager, 18, the party girl; Ohman, 16, the serious athlete; Anna Nordlander, 17, the wild child; and Emily Clewett, 25, the quiet one.
                          Are they trying to build on the Spice Girls kind of thing with these push/ginger... kind of nicknames ? or is this just a stupid journalist's idea.

                          And for the record "Les Seules" is more like "The Lonelies", 'seul' being an adjective meaning you are alone/on your own. I don't know exactly the different meanings of outsider, but I sure know the meaning of 'seul'.

                          I can forgive that though, as the outsider thing brought up the insider joke.


                          • #14
                            Hot damn! That girl is smoking! I would like to get in her clan if you know what I mean! [/cheesyjoke]


                            • #15
                              I'm suprised they don't have a website...?

                              Anyway, sadly the only thing i'd like to see is this being less of a big deal in the future.

                              It ain't anything new (i've seen countless female clans from Japan) but I guess i'd milk the publicity if I could get it too.

