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Half-Life 2 Receives Mature Rating

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  • #16
    Probably more focussed on that court hearing two weeks from now rather than passing the RC (I know, I know, the people playtesting HL2 aren't involved with these legal issues).

    Anyways, I was REALLY curious as to how HL2 can possibly get a teen rating when there were two instances of impaling someone. One being the strider and the second being the uh... Blue thing.

    The Mature rating makes much more sense.


    • #17
      blah, who cares. Get someone 17 or older to buy it if the store complains or ask for ID check ^^ Yeah for looking 21 ^^


      • #18
        Edited by [user="30721"] @ [time="1095977125"]

        score one for the bored college-borne idiot!

        this comes as no surprise. but im over 17, so I don't have to worry about anything. : does a quick monkey dance :


        • #19
          lol i remember i was trying to buy either diablo 1 or 2 and they said to my mom "this game is rated m are you sure you want to but it for your son" i was so ticked i threw a tantrum in the store. keep in mind i was 6-8.

          my fav part of the movie was the deep voiced guy saying "rated m for mature"


          • #20
            I live in the UK and instead of the ESRB we have the ELSA. To simply put, the rating means nothing here. Its not legally bound, and is only an indication to parents/guardians/script kiddie what kind of content is included in the game. Whether this is the same in the USA ive no idea Means nothing to me anyway, 19 and proud of it!


            • #21
              Haha stiinger... never thought you would ever contrbute to this site.


              • #22
                The sooner the game is out the sooner people will throw their money out for it. Meaning most porobably will not have the money for the other HOT titles, or their parents will refuse to buy two games at $50 a pop.

                I bet they hit October. Hmm what would be funny for them to do is a Sep 30th release a cruel joke.


                • #23


                  try's "possible third test?" thread for meanings annd tricks.

                  (> ' . ' >)


                  • #24
                    dragocore wrote..

                    Well, when DOOM 3 was getting closer to release (with in a few weeks or so) it got a rating. How can you give a game a rating at the starting of production? That seems a bit stupid. I'm sure they gave the rating when they played through a review copy of HL2. IMHO.
                    ma_cherie wrote..

                    Wrong. NO ONE but ESRB makes the decision on what the game is going to be rated, the companies who produce it have no say in what it is.
                    thats when they get the official ratting, but the company will know what it takes to get a certain rating, just like movies do, and they would build for said target rating.

                    That would be a decision made early in development, or during development.


                    • #25
                      Mikemike 2.0 wrote..

                      lol i remember i was trying to buy either diablo 1 or 2 and they said to my mom "this game is rated m are you sure you want to but it for your son" i was so ticked i threw a tantrum in the store. keep in mind i was 6-8.

                      my fav part of the movie was the deep voiced guy saying "rated m for mature"
                      MUHAHAHA! Everyone in CA, doesn't care about the rating anymore . Its all gone to who knows where, so its awsome being tall and looking old in the sence of games


                      • #26
                        ma_cherie wrote..

                        I'm suprised GTA:San Andreas has been set to be released October 26th.
                        LOL thats my birthday

