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Joolz Interview

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  • Joolz Interview

    Counter-Hack will be conducting another interview with the one and only Joolz, the infamous cheat coder, which will be broadcasted live on August 21st. Topics ranging from "Valve, Steam, cheating, anti-cheating" and other such lovely broad topics will be discussed. Furthermore, you, the listener, will be able to voice your own question(s) as elaborated below:
    This interview would be another standard and boring interview if we did not let the listeners be a part of the whole experience. If you, the listeners, have any questions that you would like us to ask please submit them to h4x h4xdaplanet at Please title your email "Joolz Interview Question" Or come find us in IRC #counter-hack and ask us your questions there.

    Interview date and times:

    Saturday, August 21

    9:00pm East

    6:00pm Pacific

    2:00am GMT
    The previous interview attracted well over 1,000 listeners, so do mark your calendars, folks!

  • #2
    I read the first interview and it wasnt very exciting. I'll still be sure to read this one though.


    • #3
      I don't know why this guy gets interviewed so often, he really can't have that much to say that he hasn't already said.


      • #4
        I bet you in a few hours when rzh comes online the hl2 screenshots news will be above this.


        • #5
          Why is this guy even interviewed at all?? I mean he makes cheats.

          "YAY HE IS OUR GOD!!!!" Come on now. Why in the hell is this news??


          • #6
            ganymede wrote..

            Why is this guy even interviewed at all?? I mean he makes cheats.

            "YAY HE IS OUR GOD!!!!" Come on now. Why in the hell is this news??


            • #7
              Where did you pull "YAY HE IS OUR GOD!!!!" from?

              Counter-Hack an anti-cheat website interviews a once notorious cheat coder and you wonder why he is interviewed? I'll just do us both a favor and pretend you didn't put that comment.


              • #8
                ????? You said it yourself. He is a notorious cheat maker. Why is he being interviewed and why is this news?? We all know what he does and so many people hate him for doing it.


                • #9
                  [nerd frustration sound] oh muy gua whay r dey entirviuing j00lz hees a fag hax0r n00b omg11111111!!!![/nerd frustration sound]


                  • #10
                    I think itll be interesting on what hes got to say about Steams security.


                    • #11
                      imho Valve should get a lawyer to tear his ass out over his documented eula violations.


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="6035"] @ [time="1091721286"]

                        We should ignore people like Joolz to death, not "glorify" them by giving them interviews and putting that on CSN etc.. Makes them feel important, and that's why they ruine people's fun with cheats, to get attention.. Joolz must be a real sad humanbeing, no respect for what he did *at all*..


                        • #13
                          Anyone notice that new comments isnt working? Just a white screen


                          • #14
                            azz0r wrote..

                            Anyone notice that new comments isnt working? Just a white screen
                            yep, same for me.

                            maybe rizzuh installed a filter that blocks illiterate bullshit. which would explain why only 1 forum thread is readable.



                            • #15
                              You guys do realize that joolz no longer codes cheats. He has actually taken a complete 180. I think those of you who think this interview is total waste of time are the ones that should really listen in. I think you will be pretty surprised if not impressed.

