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New HL2 Screens

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  • I expect to be able to shoot a hole in a barrel that's filled with water, and the water comes out through the hole until it gets down to the same level as the hole, and the water spreads out over the floor, and i can see my reflection in the water, and then the water freezes to ice cause the floor is below 0C, and when i walk on the ice water i slip and leave tracks that dynamically match the pressure and outline of the model of my boot.

    Or it's not worth playing.


    • *LOL*!

      Great post, Mike!




        • It doesn't matter if Doom3 source code is leaked or not. It's strength is a single person game. Cheat if you want. No one cares. HL2 source code leaking and the game being made ON the leaked code can have cheats made from the root of the game..undetectable and unstoppable.

          That sucks considering it's overall strength will be multi-player. (CS:S).

          That HAD to re-write it. Not "send it out anyway". It matters.


          • lmao @ Mike

            Listen, i have Doom 3, and when people go 'omg, Ultra High settings' and what not, there is no difference from High and Ultra Setting. The only difference is the fact in Ultra High mode, nothing is compressed. And in a [H] review and compared screenshots. They did not notice anything at all!

            And when people go on about the graphics, it ain't all about graphics.. ffs!.. its about gameplay. Have you seen the graphics when you turn Bump Mapping off in Doom3? It looks crap. HL2 has better phyics; Shooting barrels, driving Buggies, flipping tables, etc, etc, etc.

            I want everyone to stop bashing HL2 until its out!


            • Vi3tSkl11 wrote..

              Wait for the mods. If you don't like the intensity of 4-player deathmatch, there'll be plenty of mods coming out to address that.

              I, personally, love it. It's much more personal (and in some cases, intense) than the 32-player fragfest that is UT2k4 (or Battlefield Vietnam).

              Do you think ID put the 4 player cap on just.. to do it? A server would require so much computing power to be handle even 10. Why would you make a multiplayer mod for Doom3 in the first place? There's plenty other games that are much better for multiplayer mods. If I'm going to be playing against people, I'm going to want to have fun/win. I don't care if the lighting is dynamic, I care if the gameplay is good. Killing (or being killed by) the same three people over and over seems repetitive and rewardless.

              Someone already posted the amount of mods in the works for Doom3, a game already released, compared to HL2, an unreleased game, and the difference was about 300 I think? I don't mean to talk HL2 up but I don't think developers (ID) should rely on the mod community to make a reason for you to play the game more than once.
              Which is why I don't read them for reviews.

              The gameplay HAS changed alot. Instead of gunning down hordes of zombies and demons, you're taking down one or two at a time.
              What computer could handle hordes? Smart move by ID, but sometimes the game seemed somewhat easy just because there weren't all that many monsters to kill at a time.
              The combat is much more intense.
              Not if you just like.. kill them and move on. I didn't dramaticize my battles with zombies, I just shot them, and then they dissapeared (???).
              The game is FILLED with atmospheric (and just plain creepy) sound.
              Cool. It all just sounded like filler to me for a lack of their planned Trent Reznor soundtrack.
              The experience is very different, and I'll have to say I like it (as do so many other people.)
              I'm not going to say Doom3 was a bad game. It was really fun, the gameplay was cool, graphics were good, there was lots of dark.. stuff (strange how Doom3's extremely hyped lighting system would allow pitch black areas..), and comical monsters. It was cool, but I just don't see what's so special about it, and how any one could lay down $50+ for the game and not be dissapointed.
              'Course, I'm waiting for HL2 just like anyone else here. But there's no reason to be a total fanboy idjit and say that EVERYTHING ELSE is a load of crap. You're just putting yourself in a bad position that way. There's more than one good game out there. Why can't you experience them all?
              Right. There's plenty of other cool games coming out that will be as fun or more fun than HL2. I was really looking forward to Doom3, I just feel a little let down. But hey, atleast I didn't pay for it.
              GameHopper wrote..

              why are you posting.
              Because we like to make fun of your fanboy ass. You'll do or say anything you can to make sure you don't realize your beloved game isn't that great. Start looking at things as a gamer and not just a Doom3-gamer. You have every right to criticize any game, it's just dumb how you defend Doom3 so vigorously and bash it's biggest competitor to make it look like a better game.


              • entRo wrote..

                bash it's biggest competitor to make it look like a better game.
                since when did i bash FarCry?

                entRo wrote..

                Someone already posted the amount of mods in the works for Doom3, a game already released, compared to HL2, an unreleased game, and the difference was about 300 I think?
                ooo, wow, lets throw numbers around for fun.

                does it really matter how many "modders" are "modding" for HL2 anyways. The SDK isnt even are they doing? designing their web pages to make it all nice and purdy.

                dont talk about modding until something actually gets done.


                • Killing (or being killed by) the same three people over and over seems repetitive and rewardless.
                  I suppose that's a personal thing. It could also depend on who you're playing against....
                  Smart move by ID, but sometimes the game seemed somewhat easy just because there weren't all that many monsters to kill at a time.
                  I dnno...

                  The monsters often dodged my shots, and they're pretty damned tough to begin with. Though I do see what you mean, since most early monsters went down in one or two shotgun blasts.
                  But hey, atleast I didn't pay for it.
                  Heh-heh... My sentiments exactly.


                  • quote quote quote quote quote quote


                    • I'm not usually one to quote myself, but...
                      HankPym wrote..

                      One of the greatest things about the Internet is its uncanny ability to divide users into fundamentalist, single-minded, brainless camps. Maybe one day people will get it through theis thick skulls that you can buy and enjoy more than one game. While I'm on the subject, nobody has to be a "Valve hater" or a "Valve fanboy". It is possible to look at games and companies on a case-by-case basis, and form educated, well-rounded opinions about them. Buy and enjoy both Doom 3 and Half-Life 2. You're allowed.


                      • Vi3tSkl11 wrote..

                        I haven't seen this in any video so far. (Only exploding watermelons and wooden planks.)

                        And that's not enough for you? k, fine, whatever. Guess that's a personal thing.

                        It's not a FACT. It's a PERSONAL OPINION. Get it straight.

                        Speaking your opinion like it's some kind of all-around FACT is pure bullshit. Everyone has different tastes. If you don't like it, k, that's fine, but don't go around telling people that it SUCKS for no other reason than you felt it SUCKS.

                        Um, really everything I have posted so far has been my opinion. And it seems as if your going against my post because of my opinions.
                        GameHopper wrote..

                        and we wonder why HL2 is delayed... they must be implementing the breaking jar effect to add to the unique gameplay of jar breaking.
                        That's funny


                        • GameHopper wrote..

                          since when did i bash FarCry?
                          Excellent grammar. HL2 is obviously Doom3's biggest competitor. Look around the net. The game isn't even out yet and people are already saving their money for it instead of Doom3. FarCry is cool too though.
                          ooo, wow, lets throw numbers around for fun.
                          Your arguments are pretty 4th grade. One of your last posts, the only points you made where "blah blah blah" and "blah blah blah". Your immaturity is blinding.
                          does it really matter how many "modders" are "modding" for HL2 anyways.
                          Oooh wow let's throw words around for fun.

                          The person I was responding to was telling me to look at mods to give Doom3 some replay value. Don't you think with a difference of 300 mods for HL2 to Doom3, that HL2 would have more replay value? Granted, I'd go for quality not quantity, but that's a huge amount.
                          The SDK isnt even are they doing? designing their web pages to make it all nice and purdy.
                          Some mod teams already have the tools necessary, but you're right, most don't. So when the tools are released to the public, it'd be safe to expect even more mods to take shape.
                          dont talk about modding until something actually gets done.
                          Then you can't talk about Doom3's multiplayer being saved by mod teams until something actually gets done.

                          So what do you do after you beat the game?


                          • well you can basicly umm..........fuck it


                            • entRo wrote..

                              Excellent grammar. HL2 is obviously Doom3's biggest competitor. Look around the net. The game isn't even out yet and people are already saving their money for it instead of Doom3. FarCry is cool too though.

                              Your arguments are pretty 4th grade. One of your last posts, the only points you made where "blah blah blah" and "blah blah blah". Your immaturity is blinding.

                              Oooh wow let's throw words around for fun.

                              The person I was responding to was telling me to look at mods to give Doom3 some replay value. Don't you think with a difference of 300 mods for HL2 to Doom3, that HL2 would have more replay value? Granted, I'd go for quality not quantity, but that's a huge amount.

                              Some mod teams already have the tools necessary, but you're right, most don't. So when the tools are released to the public, it'd be safe to expect even more mods to take shape.

                              Then you can't talk about Doom3's multiplayer being saved by mod teams until something actually gets done.

                              So what do you do after you beat the game?
                              the world still loves u.


                              • MikeJ wrote..

                                I expect to be able to shoot a hole in a barrel that's filled with water, and the water comes out through the hole until it gets down to the same level as the hole, and the water spreads out over the floor, and i can see my reflection in the water, and then the water freezes to ice cause the floor is below 0C, and when i walk on the ice water i slip and leave tracks that dynamically match the pressure and outline of the model of my boot.

                                Or it's not worth playing.
                                LMFAO!!11 sometimes sarcasm just cracks me up

                                Well, i finished HL1 in software mode...because i had a shit card. How come i still love Half-life?The story line kept me interested in it. Otherwise if it had of been hav got bored killing zombies and doin the same levels over and over and over

