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CS: Source Pre-delayed

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  • lol, warms my heart... cz comming out? only took a year and a half, HL2? dont even ask, who knows, cs : source? another novel in the trilogy that is Valve... The Delayers

    o i almost forgot... lets not forget how long it took steam to come out

    Anduin wrote..

    Once it does come out, I'm going to find all the people who bitched and moaned about it being delayed and flashbang you until your retinas melt.

    This beta IS free, your not paying anything for it. If you bought CZ so you could play it, thats YOUR fault. Valve didn't hold a gun to your head and force you to buy it so you could play.
    actually... they did, and im not speaking to you from the living


    • rofl at all the kids that dont understand programming!

      No company puts any game out on time, and if they do it sucks. Chances are if they put the beta out on time everyone's comp would crash every 5 minuts, and everyone would be pissed about it because they dont know what a beta is.

      BTW, they can put the demo out at expos because they can turn off certain problem features, and thats most likely what they did.

      btw I heard doom had shit gameplay.


      • *yawn* why am I not surprised? *sigh* oh well playin Doom3 now so I'll if I get HL2 . .. w00t


        • Valve Wars - The Delays strike back?

          Poor netcatch, Cliffe got em :-/


          • Comment

            • Remember folks: Cliffe didn't say the beta wouldn't be available in early August still (which is what he's been stressing in the video interviews), just not that it's pre loading today. Makes sense. He had to say something today, this is pretty much all he could say if they pushed the pre load back a few days. Probably the recent steam server instability prompted a few days work to fix it up and we will be playing in no more than 5 days from now. Aug 10 is still early august for me. If we aren't playing by then, we have been let down again.


              • Edited by [user="152360"] @ [time="1091754715"]

                Well it depends on if you split between early/late or early/middle/late.

                If you split in half, then anything before the 15th is 'early'. If in thirds, then you're right about the 10th.

                Not that it matters. They'll release it when they do. Patience is a virtue.

                I mean, think about it. If they didn't give a release date everyone would be asking for it. (That's the way Blizzard does it, not give release dates until they're sure, and they get a lot of hate for it, about Blizzard taking forever to make games when they're pretty comparable to other game makers.)

                So they put up a date to make people happy and then try to make that date. Then when they can't, they let you know of delay.

                What would you rather they do? At E3 2005, when they're advertising HL3, you ask about HL2 and they say "Oh, that? It came out last december, didn't you know?" At least they couldn't be wrong about the release date then.


                • Anduin wrote..

                  Once it does come out, I'm going to find all the people who bitched and moaned about it being delayed and flashbang you until your retinas melt.

                  This beta IS free, your not paying anything for it. If you bought CZ so you could play it, thats YOUR fault. Valve didn't hold a gun to your head and force you to buy it so you could play.
                  if it IS free then my younger brother who didnt buy CZ should be able to download it (on his steam account) whenever its released...this isnt the case, and therefore the beta is not free....a product cant be called free if u have to buy another product to be able to get it

                  i dont really mind having cs:source beta postponed a couple of days: i finish doom 3....and doom 3 IS good (unless u stop after the first few levels)


                  • rizzuh wrote..

                    Me too, because it's not a Tuesday and no one at Valve has said that it would be released on September 1st.

                    And they didn't say September 30th, 2004 either!
                    It doesn't even matter if they SAY a date either. Nothing matters when it comes to Valve and release dates. They are completely untrustworthy or incompetent when it comes to this.


                    • straight from webster's:

                      to VALVE (verb):

                      v. t. 1. To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to valve the march of an army; to valve the motion of a ship; - opposed to accelerate.

                      [imp. & p. p. valved; p. pr. & vb. n. valving.]

                      2. To put off; to postpone; as, to valve the attacks of old age; to valve a rupture between nations.

                      v. i. 1. To stay back.

                      n. 1. Retardation; delay.

                      2. A mentally valved person.

                      "The brain damage will valve the child's language development"

                      Synonyms: delay, check, retard, postpone


                      • That's interesting!


                        • I keep checking for new news or something. But it just keeps on being interviews I don't care about or cpl stuff. Man thank god I've got Doom 3 and regular CS to play. Otherwise I'd be going crazy! The silence is deafening though...


                          • Whats with you people complaining about "Valve never releases on time". Valve have NEVER given out a OFFICIAL release date, everything has been speculation, send an email to and ask. Dimwits!


                            • valve needs to know the definition of "fashionably late"

