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Condition Zero: Source?

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  • #31
    CS source+DoD..



    • #32
      More than that !!!

      CSust, CZust, CSSust, CSZust, CSXust.



      • #33
        cs 1.6 will not get anymore updates after source.. any update will be applied to cz, thats the point of it.. why give it away for free... we have had 5 years..! its been a good run by anyones standards!


        • #34
          Electronic Punk wrote..

          More than that !!!

          CSust, CZust, CSSust, CSZust, CSXust.

          Don't forget the 5 Dust 2 versions as well...

          And btw, HL, Op4 and BS are also confirmed as being ported to Source... I think DMC is as well, but I can't remember now...


          • #35
            i dont think it would be worth the effort to port all of their HL1 based content..(other than CS ) i rather than spend time working on getting HL2 out the door on time and working on extending that.


            • #36
              Will CZ ever be ported into source?

              Yes -Erik Johnson


              • #37
                if you're gonna port cz to source, integrate the multiplayer with cs:s

                dividing the community is retarded and i will kill your dog for it.


                • #38
                  How about we add CZ's bots and singleplayer support to CS:S? It'll be like CZ, and it won't split the CS fanbase up more than it already is.


                  • #39
                    HankPym wrote..

                    Glad to hear this from a more official source...someone on the forums posted an e-mail that was supposedly from Gabe Newell himself back on June 23, but I had some doubt as to how legit it could be.
                    that was me u nub!, i gave u proof back then, and that email was dated 28th may. i held off on that info for a month, i dont start threads but i will answer them....


                    • #40
                      CS 1.3, CS 1.5, CS 1.6, CS:CZ, CS:source, CS CZ:source.


                      appended @ [time="1089579289"]

                      Valve needs to find a way to get this back to ONE game. This is getting stupid.


                      • #41
                        Very pointless for there to be a CZ source, what are Valve thinking?

                        CS needs to be ONE like it used to be. Just ONE version which every1 plays and relates to. Come on Valve, surely you can see that!!!!!

                        CS needs to be ONE like it used to be. Just ONE version and 1 community which every1 plays and relates to. Come on Valve, surely you can see that!!!!!


                        • #42
                          |azure| wrote..

                          CS 1.3, CS 1.5, CS 1.6, CS:CZ, CS:source, CS CZ:source.


                          Valve needs to find a way to get this back to ONE game. This is getting stupid.
                          my brain hurts. Valve should port over cs 1.6 and cz and ditch the others.


                          • #43
                            CaMpEr_CaRl wrote..

                            my brain hurts. Valve should port over cs 1.6 and cz and ditch the others.
                            they have, 1.6 and cz are the only officaly supported and PORTED cs games 1.3 is dead as dead.WON si going down and 1.5 is playable via steam but is not VAC and is under 3rd party mods ..cs to source and cz to source thats all. im not on about dod-s blueshift-s ect...


                            • #44
                              this is getting pretty ridiculous i just bought cz and already there is a new cs. People who buy cz should get hl2 and cs:s for free.


                              • #45
                                SALAMIjedi wrote..

                                first off all... CZ:CS will have bots... the single player.... ENHANCED DELETED SCENES!!!! (<<< HEY HEY HEY!) basically CS:CZ except... in the source engine. and im sure they have polished the deleted scenes for the source engine.
                                If that is true, then that is why they will release CS:CZ. Originally, CZ was going to be nothing BUT a single player Counter-Strike. They weren't satisfied enough with it to call it "Counter-Strike" and charge people money for it though. That's why it changed hands and was delayed so long. The addition of the Bots made it "feel" more like CS when not online. They threw the old stuff on it as "deleted scenes" just to put it out there. The thing is some of them were a lot of fun....some could have been a lot better....some just needed some tweaking. If they bother with porting Deleted Scenes to Source and maybe tossing out some new missions here and there, it may be good.

                                That said....I'd still be more in favour of bringing the community together again and including all of the above into CS:Source in the first place. If they try and please everybody who bought CZ (me included) and give HL2 or CS:S free, they will have a nightmare on their hands that will only get worse as time goes on.

                                Best to just release CS:S and wrap everything into a nice little bundle.

                                I won't bitch about the money I spent (40.00). Hell, we all blow more money than that every week. We'll all get over it.

                                One Umbrella Valve. One umbrella.

