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  • Springbits

    Spring is already here, and with that comes the return of some forgotten newsbits.
    • schroet has conducted an interview with the one and only bl00dsh0t of evil geniuses, a rising star from canada, in his first ever interview. he is known for his ace against team 3d (who are currently upgrading their web servers) and plenty of other amazing feats in his cs career. check out this interview, which requires a free registration.

    • check your 6, a fairly new gaming community website, has released uptime. this restarts applications, such as a counter-strike server, that has crashed and offers more efficient solutions to restarting apps than the available methods. it holds a whole bevy of other uses and features, so check it all out for yourself.

    • gamespot has released a useful condition zero guide for all to see (which also requires a lovely free registration). this is still definitely worth it for cz players out there.
    That is it for this time around, friends. Hopefully, you will be here the next time the newsbits truck rolls by.

  • #2
    I feel so sorry for all those idiots that bought ati cards for the hl2 coupon and now have to wait another 8+ months. I wonder how many have lost the coupon.

    Note: Amazon.coms hl2 release date: December 31, 1969.


    • #3
      HL2 2005? You've got to be kidding me!

      More time to upgrade my gfx card I suppose...


      • #4
        Half Life 2 in 2005? You're KIDDING me Gabe!!!

        No way Valve is gunna let us down like this again. If i remember correctly, they were jottin down the same thing last year: "Well, we MAY have to release in 2004.."

        W/e. Lots of people are dissapointed! Just when they got on a roll and has everyone's hopes up again!

        Then again it may not be true so we might be playing it in a couple months.


        • #5
          Edited by [user="3298"] @ [time="1082385976"]

          don't talk about HL2 before the pczone article or E3, now we don't know how much is done of the game.-

          edit: this is just an ANSWER from an i-view, we don't know the question.- if it was something like 'whats your opinion on game delays?' then it really doesnt make sense-


          • #6
            Ironic that while I read this, the tower ad on the right side of my screen is to pre-order HL2...

            Not surprised, but we still get Doom3, Far Cry, and a bunch of other good games this year. gg VALVe - keep updating VAC and forget your other projects.


            • #7
              T|2i|34L wrote..

              Ironic that while I read this, the tower ad on the right side of my screen is to pre-order HL2...

              Not surprised, but we still get Doom3, Far Cry, and a bunch of other good games this year. gg VALVe - keep updating VAC and forget your other projects.
              ha! you have tower ads! :P


              • #8
                What is with with VALVe and delays? First CS:CZ, now HL2... hell, even CSX was delayed abit. Delaying their games is only thing VALVe can do perfectly...


                • #9
                  Um.... NOWHERE DID HE SAY IT MIGHT BE DELAYED. He was just saying that he believes that you only release a game when it is ready. Read before you talk.


                  • #10
                    There have been a lot of rumours and assumptions produced at other sites (or should we say tabloids?) about Half-Life 2 being delayed until 2005. This isn't the case at all; people are simply getting confused by a hypothetical comment from Gabe Newell.

                    The comment was a reply to a question about Valve's reasons for the delay back in September 2003. It's purely hypothetical and there's no reason to think Valve will be delaying the game until 2005 or putting $20 million more into it.

                    The game will be released this year so sit back, relax and keep checking for real information about Half-Life 2. There isn't long to wait now.


                    • #11
                      What incompetent news writer has rze hired now? "HL2 will might be out next year?" Is that even correct english? But to the point, this is a misinterpretation of what Gabe actually said and will only serve to create uneccessary rumours. What Gabe meant is that they will take whatever time they need to make their games good (which is something I wish more game developers would do; that way we would have a few excellent games instead of an assload of crap.)


                      • #12
                        Kuros wrote..

                        What incompetent news writer has rze hired now? "HL2 will might be out next year?"
                        I don't know about the news post but the CS-Nationalist ad gets me up every time I see it - "less ads", argh!


                        • #13
                          Although it is true that this isn't what he meant, it does bring up an interesting topic though. Hell, I'm not even sure that I would care that much to be honest. I'd be pissed if I were one of those person's who upgraded their comp right around now to be able to play it, but I'm kinda glad since I didn't upgrade and this will give a chance for me to get PCI Express when it's released which my be just before HL2... *shrugs* who knows. I think everyone is getting used to delayed Valve games and aren't holding their breath anyways... *cough* cz...


                          • #14
                            Before the ungrateful fucking twat-tastic n00bs spam 'HL2 IS VAPORwAre11z LOL!1L!oLMAQO'

                            "There have been a lot of rumours and assumptions produced at other sites (or should we say tabloids?) about Half-Life 2 being delayed until 2005. This isn't the case at all; people are simply getting confused by a hypothetical comment from Gabe Newell.

                            The comment was a reply to a question about Valve's reasons for the delay back in September 2003. It's purely hypothetical and there's no reason to think Valve will be delaying the game until 2005 or putting $20 million more into it.

                            The game will be released this year so sit back, relax and keep checking for real information about Half-Life 2. There isn't long to wait now."



                            • #15
                              i agree with all the smart people that are claiming that gabe was either responding to a hypothetical question that could even have been from back when the hax0rs stole some hl2 source. where exactly did the box art come from? although it might not actually have a corelation the box art being revealed usually means that they might be ready to actually box the game. fun fun. granted, if they do delay HL2 again im gonna have flip out !!!

