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VAC Updates

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  • #31
    cliffe wrote..

    Nick has shown me the list. All I can say is, think again.
    "Competitive" hackers are alot more determined to make people think they're good I guess, I havn't noticed any change in the amount of hackers.

    Hey, Tribes2 has barely any hackers, wish more people played :\


    • #32
      This is excellent news!! Keep it up.

      As for hackers checking the cheat site constantly, I doubt that will keep them from getting caught eventually. We've had quite a few caught in the last few days.

      Now if they would just get rid of the triple CS (1.5, 1.6, and CZ) and have just ONE CS again, I would be totally impressed. But I must say, this random updating of VAC is the best thing to happen in a long time to CS.

      Would be cool to have a lot of updates on Tuesday evenings during next CAL season too. hehe I bet a lot of those guys would get cleared out in a hurry.


      • #33
        entRo wrote..

        "Competitive" hackers are alot more determined to make people think they're good I guess, I havn't noticed any change in the amount of hackers.

        Hey, Tribes2 has barely any hackers, wish more people played :\
        omghi2u i love tribes 2 Pitty the rest of the world doesnt seem to :/


        • #34
          cliffe wrote..

          Nick has shown me the list. All I can say is, think again.
          Be nice to release it to the public. I've always wondered where some good players have gone to in the past. I think I'd find a few in that list.


          • #35
            There was just another VAC update. That makes 5 in 9 days!

            I went to a cheat site and read that a cheat was detected the day it was released!

            No need for silent banning with this many updates, as long as they can keep it up...


            • #36
              question? can people who get banned by VAC still play on Cheating Death servers? Since VAC does not run on Cheating Death servers...

              Or can they not play on ANY server because of Steam ID validation?

