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Between CS and Reality

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  • Between CS and Reality

    A 15 year old teenager from the Grand Rapids area has been faced with charges after mailing an AK-47 rifle to another teenager in Canada. More disturbing, the Catholic Canadian teen has been reported of taking and aiming the gun towards several of his high school classmates. The original teenager that had supplied the assault rifle had hoped to acquire two handguns in return while both were playing Counter-Strike.
    The local boy, who has not been named by authorities, reportedly met the Canadian teenager on the Internet while the two were playing "Counterstrike," a popular weapons-based computer game. The boy allegedly mailed the AK-47 to the Canadian teen in hopes of getting two pistols in return.
    A federal offense such as this holds a "a 10-year prison penalty". However this case deals with minors, and therefore the said penalty will be unlikely. Most disturbing is how the mother had purchased the gun for the teenager. You may read this entire article by clicking right here.

  • #2
    Bachelder described an AK-47 as an assault weapon. "They are military guns, and you can hunt with it. It isn't any more or less deadly than any gun"


    • #3
      hay guys, i'll trade someone my nightvision for their defuse pack?

      any takers?


      • #4
        A better title would be Idiot parents buy an assault rifle for son, son mails to friend.


        • #5


          • #6
            The world has gone mad...

            Noone in a any country should be able to buy a gun without a liscence and training in its opperation. Minors should not be able to handle a gun without the liscence holder present either.

            I have been going clay pigeon shooting since I was 14, however I was not and am still not responsible for the gun and can not opperate it without my father present, even though I am now 18.


            • #7
              I must be reading something wrong. Is that Canada? or a spelling error for USA?


              • #8
                Hey kids, if you want to play with guns; buy Airsoft guns.

                Airsoft guns have the same look and feel as the real steel, Only you don't need a license and it won't kill anyone.


                • #9
                  konig wrote..

                  I have an illegal AK in my closet ;p i shoot gaypriders at parade time
                  that should not require a license of any sort.


                  • #10
                    Idiotic minors, what a bunch of try hard n00bs.


                    • #11
                      Edited by [user="72488"] @ [time="1075425529"]

                      Sometimes I wish I could be as smart as some 15 year-olds.


                      • #12
                        I agree with Chops. Well this sure does give CS a bad name... Next thing u know CS CZ will be delayed because of


                        • #13
                          Edited by [user="41447"] @ [time="1075425137"]

                          Mmm, red-X-tastic.

                          Let's not leech pictures here please.

                          it was my website^


                          • #14
                            wow this should be wonderful. now it'll give CS a great name. i love it how these smart kids use their whole brains.


                            • #15
                              They should require IQ test and mental test before letting someone buy a gun... geez.... any parent who lets there kid had an assault rifle or any gun for the matter needs to be locked up.

