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  • #31
    wtf dchozn is doing too many news posts. hurray for naem~


    • #32
      There shouldnt even be money. There should be turkey and stuffing and home-made apple pie. Then they wouldnt have to fight at all. Look! It's X-mas now... and I am up at 12:30 posting comments. My life is sad.

      Secondarily, CT's shouldn't be punished for preventing T's from bombing on de_maps. Money shouldn't play such a pivotal role as to make or break the game in the 4th freaking round. That's just retardculous.


      • #33
        The point isn't to plant/defuse or kill the opposition. As T the job is to eliminate a target while ct's purpose is to prevent the T's from planting. What is the difference? Well there really isn't multiple objective sets, just 2 ways to complete a singular objective. As such it makes no sense to punish the defensive team for defending. T's shouldn't have the option to choose between offense or defense in the way they do now. The point of making changes is to remove the reason terrorists wait out rounds, and to keep the flow of the offense/defense dynamic. While this might require tweaking beyond the basics, it isn't a bad idea. Just because it is a valid tactic now does not mean it isn't a detriment.


        • #34
          I vote for a new Pro CS.


          • #35
            BicyclMan wrote..

            "What are you doing playing Counter-Strike on Christmas Eve, anyway?"


            Wishing every other Counter-Strike Player Happy Holidays!!!


            Steveman wrote..

            What am I doing playing CS on christmas eve? Owning all you noobs before santa gives me a nice new graphics card.
            Julio Caesar wrote..

            I don't get why there has to be an up-date every wensday.......
            I too have been wishingthe comunity mates a merry xmas, perhaps if the friends list is empty ttheres no need to play...

            Julio they update every wedensday to give jools something to do for a n hour.
            DarkViper311 wrote..

            Must be the servers I go to. Either way, someone needs to get hooked on phonics!

            naem : it isn't garbage. It's truth. a quarter of the servers I'm on have every good player whoring the CT team, and I think that the extra money pushes it a bit too much.
            Dark Pubs dont counts, ssssh. The players who are good and whoring cts are probably trying the challenge that it can be to be ct on some maps.Because if they were t and had an ak, people would be going omg hax, when they run thru dds insta hs people...


            • #36
              alex u still don't get it it's not about balancing it out it's about making the game more fun. this game gets very boring when almost every good team camps out the 2nd round after losing the pistol round T side, and most of the following eco rounds, just read this



              • #37
                Please nobody else post about pubing and the money ~

                On PUBS how often do you see a round end where one or more T's camped and timed the round out? like .001% of the time?

                Fixing the money will not change pub play. It will make for faster match play and for a good reason too.


                • #38
                  it's not that i don't get it, i just think keeping the game balanced is more important than making it more spectator friendly. some camps aren't so bad either.. they can lead to some pretty intense fights at the end of the round.


                  • #39
                    fix the damn spec_menu bug!


                    • #40
                      Edited by [user="3670"] @ [time="1072385147"]

                      GhettoHistorian wrote..

                      rooker the hooker. if terrorist have glocks because they dont have enough money too bad for them. this is like welfare for counter-strike. i fucking hate christmas/
                      Funniest shit ever. "my name is Arctic Joe, I live in a trailer"

                      for Christmas i want a plug-in to make AWP bullets $100 bucks each.

                      completing map objectives should count more than eliminating the other team or camping out the round. a game has to be spectator friendly to grow its audience beyond people who already play it. but league CS and Pub CS are two different things and Valve only releases one version of the game. changes to the game by valve have to have the end result of creating more retail-pub-nubs and more cash for valve. so i think valve's main concern is a fun Pub experience.


                      • #41
                        This guy's a whiner.

                        Just kill the frikken bastiches with your pistol dammit, then pick up their weap. It's called FREE. If you're going to lose anyhow, and you're the last guy on the team, why not rush if you are close to the bomb site/hosties/VIP? PPL in CS in general need to learn how to take one for the team instead of being stats whores. If there is a bunch o guys wailing on us I will gladly jump into the fray to draw them out, sacrificing myself to paint a pretty target for my teammates. Teamwork triumphs over skill, ain't life a bitch.


                        • #42
                          Splatula wrote..

                          If you're going to lose anyhow, and you're the last guy on the team, why not rush if you are close to the bomb site/hosties/VIP? PPL in CS in general need to learn how to take one for the team instead of being stats whores. If there is a bunch o guys wailing on us I will gladly jump into the fray to draw them out, sacrificing myself to paint a pretty target for my teammates. Teamwork triumphs over skill, ain't life a bitch.
                          Is it possible to miss the point ANY MORE? No, i think not.


                          • #43
                            Gameshot911 wrote..

                            Is it possible to miss the point ANY MORE? No, i think not.
                            He doesn't know anything outside of public play it seems.

                            Regardless if it will make the game more spectator friendly or fun, neither CAL nor UGS will adopt the plugin so it was pointless in the firstplace. I can see many pub admins that try to keep their pub "orderly" for some unknown reason (its a fucking pub, just turn ff off and get someone decent to know how to spot a hacker and it's fine) putting this plugin on the servers.

                            Personally I think it's a strategic move for the Ts to camp rounds out in order to give the CTs less money. If the CTs need the money, push, and lose to 5 guys with glocks, then they deserved to have less money in the first place. I'd much rather see teams get creative and win save rounds than have them just rush to the nearest bombsite and die to end the round quickly.

                            I remember my team won a match at a tournament during overtime by camping out as Ts on aztec. We let the CTs win the round by camping but they didn't get much money, and we had enough for deagles and armor and we won the next 2 overtime rounds, and ended up winning the match. The plugin in league play would not only mess up 2nd/3rd round save rounds, but pistol and gun rounds also. It wont make it to leagues though so not much of a problem in the first place I guess.

