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Two New CSX Maps

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  • #31
    HAHAHA When you mentioned "Office" and "Inferno" I though you were showing some sarcasm. But I guess not :/

    <sarcasm>Whoo hoo, big whoop!</sarcasm>


    • #32
      aaahahaha they put in chateau


      • #33
        For the people who have already been playing CSX on X-Box Live, what kind of player base is there and roughly how many servers are there? Out of curiosity, are there any CSX only clans yet?



        • #34
          Microsoft hype machine running at full speed Captain!


          • #35
            m0ss wrote..

            For the people who have already been playing CSX on X-Box Live, what kind of player base is there and roughly how many servers are there?
            Yeah... and who runs the dedicated servers for the Xbox anyway? is there some sort of HLDS like on the PC or MS runs the servers by themselves? (btw I have no knowledge how Xbox live works except that it requires some monthly payments and a broadband connection)

            Anybody got a site in the kind of "all you wanted to know about the Xbox for dummies"?


            • #36


              • #37
                hrmm, i have a strange feeling i've played those maps before.

                when the hell are they going to port assault. assault fucking pwns, none of this office bullshit.

                and pomme, xbox clients start a dedicated server. in the New Game screen, there is a option to use a dedicated server. csx is actually a good game, i'd play more often but my router slows everything down.


                • #38
                  GhettoHistorian wrote..

                  csx is actually a good game, i'd play more often but my router slows everything down.
                  What type of router/network configuration do you have?


                  • #39
                    GhettoHistorian wrote..

                    and pomme, xbox clients start a dedicated server. in the New Game screen, there is a option to use a dedicated server.
                    so actually its a listen server right? ...Or I don't get it


                    • #40
                      Edited by [user="103486"] @ [time="1071845694"]

                      I dont see any reason to cover CSX on this site. CS does not belong the console. Its just a way for Vavle and MS to make more money. First off those are not two new maps. They are maps that should have been inluded CSX but were not. And now they want to released and act all cool about releasing and how they are doing such a service to the CS community by releasing these maps. Inferno is a very popular map, Im VERY supprised to see that it was not in the first release.

                      I think a nice vote on the main page about if CSX should be cover on this site would be a good idea. Even talking about a console on PC game site/forums is not cool. Let alone talking about new maps just released that been included in with CS for a long time.

                      Dont get me wrong. If they want to go play CS on the Xbox, but i dont see how CSX is "the future of couter-strike".


                      • #41
                        2bit wrote..

                        I think a nice vote on the main page about if CSX should be cover on this site would be a good idea. Even talking about a console on PC game site/forums is not cool.
                        How about you create your own "CS On The PC" fan site?

                        I don't see why we should exclude the XBox gamers from the Counter-Strike community simply because they play the game on a different machine.


                        • #42
                          I think it should be excluded becuase its not the same game. All the updates what we see in the game do those same updates get rolled out to the xbox community? No. I bet the sniper rifles feel diffrent on the xbox then on the pc since the recent change.

                          Like if 1.7(what ever the next version is) comes out i doubt that the xbox community will see it. So now we will have to deal with people talking about a completly diffrent game on csnation. What about the maps? The xbox is just now getting maps that have been stock with CS for the last serveral years.

                          The Xbox is not a subsitute for the PC and it should not treat like one. It should be around just for the poor or the people who are put off by the number of keys you have available to you on a computer.


                          • #43
                            2bit wrote..

                            I think it should be excluded becuase its not the same game.
                            With this wonderful logic CSNation should also exclude coverage of CS:CZ just because it isn't the same game.

                            This logic is not only flawed, it is also dead wrong. CSX has the same basic gameplay, maps, modes, weapons, money system, etc etc. If those things aren't enough to call it the same game, what else do you need? This is CSNation "Covering the Future of Counter-Strike", not PC-CSNation "Covering only one aspect of Counter-Strike."



                            • #44
                              I also think CZ should be exluded too. CS was so much better back in the day before it was starting to updated by valve. CZ is a joke. All I have to say is "single player couter-strike".

