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  • Admins using hacks to help detect hackers is not the greatest idea, but it does help a little. It's getting harder to distinguish good players from cheaters these days. The guy with a 40-5 score may/may not be a hacker, but the guy with 100-0 well.....

    Also, in my early 'training days' of CS, having a wall hack was very useful in learning how people moved and where they went to camp, rush, etc. So there is an arguable use of these things besides just to cheat. Now as a more mature player, I don't use hacks anymore. Well that's what I think, now flame away...


    • hitnrun wrote..

      The guy with a 40-5 score may/may not be a hacker, but the guy with 100-0 well.....
      kinda like saying if you flip a coin 100 times and get 100 heads, you'll definitely get a head next time; it might seem logical but its not true. I saw a mate of mine get 100-3 on a serv once, and he wasnt hacking; he was having a good day. 40-5 isnt really that brilliant a score either tbh.. I mean its good, but on pubs its not usually that hard to get good scores


      • I think Raisins are a main factor of CS since raisins taste sooo good!


        • Urghh! I hate raisins!

          Is this an anti-american topic? If it is then count me in!


          • tspoon1066 wrote..

            I was giving an example, I never said the police would be involved with the EULA thing. Its called an analogy (or something like that), if they can't prove who agreed to the agreement, then who do they sue (or whatever they do)

            U would charge the owneer of the pc of course, as they are liable for everything on it, u think paedos get away with, Oh its not my pics, someone must have dled the teenie pics when iwas away?,.
            mouth wrote..

            Wrong answer. "barbourosity" my left nut.
            Real word if wrong spelling.
            OmegaSaintSeiya wrote..

            What in THE hell are you talking about? I'm just stating the truth. In order to raise a child, you teach it right from wrong, show it what is acceptable in society and what isn't. You sound to me like one of those parents who just leaves their kid in front of a TV their whole life and complains 10 years later, when the kid shoots up a school, that it is society's fault that he did it.
            No i agree with what u just wrote, but that right and wrong is inside us all, a good education leads to good judgenment, there are socio paths who have been educated, they just choose the wrong path, as its all down to choice.. anywyas lets not get into a god/soul topic now ok? :P


            • lockhart wrote..

              Rizzuh can you change this guy's avatar to a giant scrolling TROLL?

              Wallhacks are a good tool for people who admin-spectate and for demo watching. You are the one who is a quote "FRIGGING RETARD" unquote.
              Let me explain it to you, in not so big words this time. If OGC didn't exist, then we wouldn't need it to find the hackers. You guys are happy that it does exist so you can find the hackers. That doesn't make sense. k, I'm done mocking you people, it just shows that I have nothing better to do with my time except make fun of little kids on da net.


              • 1 time i got killed by a hackr who was running. it took 1 shot!! >=0

                then every1 laughed at me saying i suck. =(


                • Ghengis wrote..

                  U would charge the owneer of the pc of course, as they are liable for everything on it, u think paedos get away with, Oh its not my pics, someone must have dled the teenie pics when iwas away?,.
                  actually.. yes, they can do, especially if they have a trojan installed; they can claim reasonable doubt.


                  • hmmm, a victory maybe for all us non-hackers, the pull out of a major hack coder can only mean good things for people trying to preserve the purity of CS. But its just a harsh reminder that we could have asked for hs help in stopping hacks, and we would have been in this situation much sooner, without having to wait untill he left after creating much more efficiant hacks.


                    • I hope someone gets this MTF and kick his ass so hard that he forgets his name. Shoot him in front of the City Hall and hang his dead body in a tree to rot. Dam You and all cheaters


                      • rizzuh wrote..

                        Guns cost money, aren't given away, require background checks, and have legitimate uses like security. Guns are also a neccessary part of modern society (security, police, army, etc.). I don't think cheats fall within any of these classifications.
                        ahha, i could have bough a real glock 18 without a background check or anything. i wouldve got free ammo too =)


                        • hackers suck

