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Joolz Retires

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  • Exo wrote..

    It's a virus!




    • Anyway, if Joolz was never a hack writer, there would have been someone else. So there's no reason to bash him to hell that he ruined CS with his hacks.
      If I didn't rape your mother someone else would so there's no reason to bash me to hell, OK?


      • rofl #106


        • That is the dumbed thing I have ever heard in my life. You should be kicked in the face for that stupid remark. How does cheating, something that had existed for at least 2 years beforehand, have to do with my mother? Wow, you are what the CS community is, a bunch of immature asses who like to flame people for no stupid reason. I've seen 9 year olds in other games much more mature than you. You my friend are pathetic.


          • ...and so is your logic.


            • OK for all you lil' gen-Yers out there a lesson in morality: cheating is wrong. cheating at a game is wrong and pathetic. if VAC catches you cheating you get a 5 year ban from a silly little game. if you get caught cheating on your taxes you might go to jail. if you get caught cheating in a real game, like hockey etc. you might just get your real, not virtual ass kicked.


              • MrFelix wrote..

                but the DMCA is just another excuse for larger companies to prey on individuals because they have more capital to invest. DMCA pretty much comes out as "if you do/plan to do/vaguely think about/think about in the 300ms before you realise you've thought about something i didnt think of, you go to jail" well.. in my interpretation.
                I didn't say I liked the DMCA, but here in America, it is Law.
                Steakeater wrote..

                I agree, but Joolz touched on a very important point in his letter. VAC doesn't work because Valve doesn't use enough of its resources to make it as good as it can be. A volunteer team (United Admins) interested in making games cheat-free for the sake of making games cheat-free is going to be far more successful than a corporation, who's only purpose is to make money. If making extremely effective anti-cheat were profitable, I'm sure Valve would be putting out a product as effective as Cheating-Death.
                Don't you remember Punkbuster? Do you remember what happened between them and VALVe?

                PS. RIZZUH, will you please re-enable individual article linking on this site's search function? I'd like to link to individual articles, but I have no way of doing that without links to them. Thanks.
                rizzuh wrote..

                What if in my software agreement, I have users agree to give up the second/forth/sixth amendment rights? I tell the ATF of this and the ATF raids the house. They take all the guns, and detain you without charge for 20 years.

                EULA's have yet to be proven in court.
                Congrats for finding the blurry grey line in the law. Yes, EULA's have yet to be upheld in court, and in fact Adobe lost when trying to prevent someone from reselling their software, but that still doesn't mean that EULA's aren't legally binding.

                Over on Unknown Player they had an article that said that some punks didn't show up for their court case, and then the judge ruled that "the EULA and the arbitration clause within are valid". It goes on to state that "the EULA is held to be a legal, binding agreement under the UCITA in Virginia". The UCITA (Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act) website spells out a couple of the questions you have.

                Right now, the UCITA is Law in Maryland and Virginia. It has legislation in Arizona, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, and Texas.

                It's ugly-ass FAQ also spells out some of these questions you have for all (or most) states, regardless of the law, including questions like:I Am still Not A Lawyer.
                rizzuh wrote..

                Circumventing encryption methods that would aid in the theft of copyrighted material is what the DMCA covers. And personally I don't think we need any other DMCA cases.
                Sometimes my evil twin Tyler comes into my room and types stuff on my computer. Whatever Tyler wrote about the DMCA is a lie. A damn dirty lie. I'm going to lock Tyler in the basement again. Bad Tyler!
                thrombose wrote..

                SIMPLEX, a program that cracks another software isn't illegal, it even is copyrighted. But when you use it, it is illegal.

                Same thing might apply to a cheating tool.
                (I can't believe I'm actually replying.)



                • Sort of reminds you of the hacker who stole a list of credit cards from amazon and POSTED THEM ON THE INTERNET! Then he claimed it was solely to show that amazon needed to increase security! Unbelievable!

                  You can't justify making hacks for online games, so don't fucking try!


                  • Umm actually the very creation of tools ment to circumvent software locks in some cases, are illegal.


                    • By the way, the hacker mentions a portable executable. Wtf is that?


                      • Shadow-Dragon wrote..

                        Are you a FRIGGING RETARD? I didn't believe people could be this stupid, but wow, he proved me wrong. You truly are sir, the dumbest thing to ever walk this earth. Your statement is so unbelievable.... Ok, I'll stop there. Not worth my time anyways :-P
                        Do you know anything about it or are you just talking some smack... you sound 12 so I'll assume its just BS... thanks for playing


                        • stop calling joolz a hacker you fuckin n00bs, its an insult at every coder who actually figures out shit himself and does have respect for others gpl-licensed code.

                          joolz history: downloads the ogc source, pastes in a cd key stealer, changes a few lines to make it undetectable from csguard, releases it with out the source. instead of actually going through the hl sdk he goes to the clientbot forums and asks the usual n00b questions. some people are not too happy about his gpl-violating and doesnt want to help him. joolz starts crying and tries to justify his violating but soon realizes that it isnt going anywhere, so he releases the source for the sake of getting new code to copy and paste. after the copy and pasting he somehow starts to understand things a little better and actually starts writing code himself. he gets bored and writes a goodbye letter and plays that hes old skool.

                          the original joolz and the 13 year olds that he claims to have no respect for are obviously not far from each other. ironic.

                          the real hackers are people like xqz2, vasily and system. not posers like joolz.


                          • Ah, the brilliance of the EULA agreement.

                            *a story*

                            In england, if you have more than one person insured a car and that car is caught on a speed camera, you can get out of it. You just need to say you don't remember who was driving the car, and the police can't be assed with the paperwork.


                            You can get around the EULA, you simply say you can't remember who in your household read the agreement and pressed the button. Do you really think they can be assed to try and drag that case through court?


                            • teh_foo wrote..

                              stop calling joolz a hacker you fuckin n00bs, its an insult at every coder who actually figures out shit himself and does have respect for others gpl-licensed code.

                              joolz history: downloads the ogc source, pastes in a cd key stealer, changes a few lines to make it undetectable from csguard, releases it with out the source. instead of actually going through the hl sdk he goes to the clientbot forums and asks the usual n00b questions. some people are not too happy about his gpl-violating and doesnt want to help him. joolz starts crying and tries to justify his violating but soon realizes that it isnt going anywhere, so he releases the source for the sake of getting new code to copy and paste. after the copy and pasting he somehow starts to understand things a little better and actually starts writing code himself. he gets bored and writes a goodbye letter and plays that hes old skool.

                              the original joolz and the 13 year olds that he claims to have no respect for are obviously not far from each other. ironic.

                              the real hackers are people like xqz2, vasily and system. not posers like joolz.


                              • Edited by [user="54146"] @ [time="1060192550"]

                                U guys stil dont get it, all u need is to fuck ONE punk over legally, adn the rest would run scared, simple as that, Hefty fine, Im not talking cirminal proceeding civil, breach of contract, WHIch Iadd, in this country (UK) You can hold the parents of the child responsible for, lets see how many pricks will dlskills when there mom n dad are gonna get whacked with a couple o grand fine?

                                And when people say I didnt know what little timmy, whatever wasdoing on their computer, then shame on them, Its a fucking disgrace that poepl think its acceptable because its 'only a game' i hear that shit from cheating scum on the regulars, when I find em, andit disgusts me to the very core of my being. People dont seemt o understand the intrinsic moral problem. ONe word explains why legal sanctions would work DETERRENT!

                                Some chap earlier said we are not born with a sense of right and wrong and theat it is all learnt behaviour, Hes the kind of asshole who condones all sorts of shitty behaviour, and is the reason for why this world is going to hell in ahand basket.

                                I just saw a programme where 16 year olds were attending a school based upon 1950's education standards, and people today would moan and bitch about how theres no individuality, no freedom, BUt i tell u this, THEY ALL but one failed the maths test on day one, which was an old 11 plus exam. Its not just here its everywhere, no respect no manners, no fucking morality.

                                'legal uses fro guns?' bah, you live in a country where in some schools kids have to walk through metal detectors.

                                Its only a game wereonly kids, pfft, the sooner kids start taking responsibility for their actions the sooner they will deserve to be treated as adults and until then, they should stfu and do as they are told. Rspect ya elders n better, be told DONT CHEAT; and they dont cheat.

                                Whatever happened to childhood? whatever happened to growing up and learning from a role model?

                                It seem to have eveapourated and all this cheating bs is just a symptom of the further decay of soceity into barbarosity.

                                Some chap earlier told me not to post anymore, well to him i say , No.
                                tspoon1066 wrote..

                                Ah, the brilliance of the EULA agreement.

                                *a story*

                                In england, if you have more than one person insured a car and that car is caught on a speed camera, you can get out of it. You just need to say you don't remember who was driving the car, and the police can't be assed with the paperwork.


                                You can get around the EULA, you simply say you can't remember who in your household read the agreement and pressed the button. Do you really think they can be assed to try and drag that case through court?
                                Another story the same car is involved in a hit and run accident caught on CCTV.. U think that shit will wash then ? No, and were taking about civil actions not crimnal so would take no time out of the police, and therefore your argument is moot.

