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article: map-quest

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  • article: map-quest

    RockSteady has written a new article of us: Map-Quest. In Map-Quest RockSteady looks at the mapping community and how it has evolved over the years. He also defines what makes a good map:
    A great map is one that is visually appealing and also has great gameplay. This is an obvious truth but many mappers themselves seem to underestimate the power of a well balanced, well laid out map. The major example of this is de_torn, a map that even DaveJ predicted would overthrow the versatile de_dust. While hailed as an achievement visually, it is one of the least popular official maps. It's downright horrible in the eyes of the community. The map is too large to some, while there are simply too many paths to others. You never really seem to know from where the other team is coming. The map has a very high learning curve as well. There aren't any wide-open areas suited to a fair amount of sniping either.

    Shortly after the release of Counter-Strike 1.3, the community quickly realized that de_torn lacked the gameplay value that so many previews hinted at. Dust, on the other hand, isn't filled with fancy architecture or volumetric lighting tricks, yet it remains the standard by which all maps are judged.
    Check it out!

  • #2
    torn = horrible

    dust = overplayed

    prodigy = perfect.


    • #3
      I sense another great dust discussion comming on


      • #4
        good article rocksteady, but it was a little too focused on dust, i liked where it was going at the beginning where it talked about how a map can be great but then have the community turn it down. I would have liked to see more on that. it seemed like at the end you jumped around a lot,, but was still good. looking forward to seeing some more articles from you and bond.


        • #5
          torn = horrible

          dust = overplayed

          prodigy = perfect.
          torn = crap yes

          dust = overplayed yes, but still good for somethings

          prodigy = pure cheese. its a horrible map

          dust2 & nuke = best tp and strategy map around ;D


          • #6
            Italy I love you. Dust2 I love you too.


            • #7
              Narby has done some modifications to prodigy that may make it a better map (look forward to it in CS 1.5 or some sort of CS 1.4b release), but right now I really dislike prodigy.


              • #8
                ive always been a big fan of prodigy, dont you touch it narby!!!!! touch rizzuh instead, he needs some fixing


                • #9
                  go go 1.4b... and plz stop the homosexual references


                  • #10
                    Will there be a 1.4b? Really?


                    • #11
                      how was that homosexual. i used touch in the same way that it was used about the map, if i had simply left it at "touch rizzuh" instead then it would imply homosexuality. you have a dirty mind.


                      • #12
                        Dam im using the school computers now so stop saying homosexual


                        • #13
                          Edited by [user="3369"] @ [time="1020969462"]

                          Dust = good fun for all

                          Dust2 = good fun again

                          Assault2 = my fav

                          Inferno = lots-o-action

                          Prodigy = clash and burn

                          Aztec = land of da AWP'r, never seee any Aztec people tho

                          Cobble = Tower-power

                          Militia = love that map

                          Siege = Death at da dog leg

                          Torn = hey, i like playin it

                          Italy = Chicken maps rocks for sure

                          The other maps don't rotate on my server....Bahhhhh

                          Off-Topic: when does the next chapter of " Herman Chambers " come out ???...ya, Herman_De_Crab.......


                          • #14
                            newbie, i tried that once at school. i forgot about the lightning\leet krew guy up top

                            instant suspension


                            • #15
                              yeah, i admit, from the middle on i was a bit unfocused.

                              i thought, maybe i shouldn't have even mentioned dust, but then on the other hand i think it's really important to try to analyze what it is that makes dust so damn popular.

                              thanks for the input.

                              Added @ [time="1020970147"]

                              rizzuh wrote..

                              Narby has done some modifications to prodigy that may make it a better map (look forward to it in CS 1.5 or some sort of CS 1.4b release), but right now I really dislike prodigy.
                              wow. narby is the map modifier king. aztec, inferno, and now prodigy!

