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CBC mentions CS2

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  • #16
    CS2 screenshots? THAT would make my day!


    • #17
      My Dad worked for the CBC for many years, he's even guest hosted the National a few times. You have to keep in mind that the reporter they sent to do the story had only a day or two to figure out just what CS is, why it is such a phenomenon and what its causes are. The report is a bit muddled but I think (from reading the transcript) the reporter did a good job with the time he had.


      • #18
        Kuros wrote..

        We see CS2 in action? CS2 uses the TF2 engine!! This means we get the first TF2 related news in YEARS!!!
        Most likely it was all in a model editor... not ingame. and i hope valve says something about TF2 this year at E3... or maybe HL2?


        • #19

          The article said "It also had lots of in game views of the game in action" so I guess it had some in game views :P

          But yeah I hope they show TF2 at E3 too.


          • #20
            i wish they would have talked about cs2 more!


            • #21
              Shifty_Eyes wrote..

              Good points, its obviously faulty to say "See? People who play this game are violent, therefore the game causes violence."

              Typical circular argument.
              indeed dude ! i agree

              Added @ [time="1020353093"]

              w00t w00t : )

              cs 2 tf 2

              gonna b soooo cool !

              half life based games r0x0rz



              • #22
                Edited by [user="20542"] @ [time="1020356067"]

                I live 15 minutes away from richmond and there are a few 24/7 cafes in my community..... Richmond is mostly Asian people (not being racist) and with their expensive cars they street race and a lot of people have died lately. Shutting down the internet cafe is stupid and trying to pin this "gang" activity courtesy of counter strike is a joke. It's just a video game and if some people can't tell the difference I would suggest that they get a new hobby.


                • #23
                  Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1020362817"]

                  Eagle25 wrote..

                  no i looked at it on tv n thats what he said
                  He must have been talking about Counter-Terrorists.

                  It doesn't look like 60 Minutes, it looks like "Nightly News."


                  • #24
                    If the rumours I've heard (in a certain national UK gaming mag) are true, Valve will have some new stuff on show at E3... but those are just optimistic rumours. I don't know anything else.


                    • #25
                      David Johnston wrote..

                      If the rumours I've heard (in a certain national UK gaming mag) are true, Valve will have some new stuff on show at E3... but those are just optimistic rumours. I don't know anything else.
                      Unless you're reading The Edge, don't even bother buying into it. Gaming magazines in the UK are only a step down from your tabloids.

                      I haven't seen one group confuse "preview" with "review" or "rumor" with "news" more often.


                      • #26
                        Hi, I'm the guy that sent the news in. Just to clear some stuff up:

                        - It didn't have in game views of CS2, just plain old CS 1.3, (you could tell by how they were moving jumping), the only CS2 stuff was Gooseman working on the 3d models at his computer, so it wasnt much besides the aforementioned blocky dude getting shot in the back and what appeared to be an MP5 without a magazine.

                        - The Interview with Gooseman was only like 45 seconds to a minute long. And yeah, the article did take what he said out of context, of course he was referring to counter terrorists as superheros, as he has talked about his admiration for them in the past (thats why he made the game.) There was more time devoted to the Richmond cop who seems to be on a crusade to stop young entreprenuers from cashing in on a trend.

                        - btw, the National is more of a mix between nightly news and a news magazine, it doesn't have the weather or anything on it.

                        Hope that helps. What I don't understand is why everyone wants to scapegoat a game for the mistakes all of society is making. Thats the way it'll always be I guess.


                        • #27
                          Edited by [user="2339"] @ [time="1020368369"]

                          rizzuh wrote..

                          Unless you're reading The Edge, don't even bother buying into it. Gaming magazines in the UK are only a step down from your tabloids.

                          I haven't seen one group confuse "preview" with "review" or "rumor" with "news" more often.
                          :-( yes the multi format computer mags in the uk are written for twelve year olds, although i've yet to see any confuse their previews and reviews.

                          EDGE magazine is the only one written for an adult audience, but they're so far up themselves they constantly underrate games and then reply condescendingly to anyone who complains...


                          • #28
                            Eagle25 wrote..

                            no i looked at it on tv n thats what he said

                            He must have been talking about Counter-Terrorists.

                            It doesn't look like 60 Minutes, it looks like "Nightly News."
                            no belive me he said exactly that

                            what he ment tho is not that "terrorists" are superheroes

                            but the ppl who play online who play cs in general

                            think about it,if u had a gun n had to fight some other ppl (who are armed) likely 90% of ppl would run off


                            • #29
                              Edited by [user="157"] @ [time="1020369044"]

                              rizzuh wrote..

                              Unless you're reading The Edge, don't even bother buying into it. Gaming magazines in the UK are only a step down from your tabloids.

                              I haven't seen one group confuse "preview" with "review" or "rumor" with "news" more often.
                              The Edge is all I ever read. It's possibly the best gaming/developer magazine I've ever taken onto.
                              Gaming magazines in the UK are only a step down from your tabloids.
                              Most of them. I tend to stick to the good ones (and I've never bought a tabloid in my life. It's The Guardian for me!) - my history has been ST Format, PC Format, PC Gamer, and now The Edge (spot a Future Publishing trend?). I believe they are all a whole lot better than their competitors, who do indeed seem to rely on 'downmarket' tactics and editorials to bring in the money. Like 'full official hands-on previews on final game code' based on test releases and demos released days before on the internet.

                              Please don't abuse our decent gaming publications by comparing them to tabloids. Only the crappy ones.

                              But admittedly, the HL stuff was taken from PCG... I just thought some people might like to know what some people are speculating. PCG (UK, naturally) tend to be pretty good/reliable with speculation (hey, they share offices with Edge, sorta) - not 100%, but no where near as bad as the alternatives who really do go down the tabloid route to the very end...

                              Added @ [time="1020369354"]

                              Goo5ey wrote..

                              EDGE magazine is the only one written for an adult audience, but they're so far up themselves they constantly underrate games and then reply condescendingly to anyone who complains...
                              EDGE is mature. They know what standard games should be at, and by comparison to the 'normal' gaming magazines, do underrate. However, I've found myself agreeing more with Edge's review scores than any other magazine I've ever read in my lifetime.

                              I'd rather they reply condescendingly than in the Simpsons-mag style which mags seem to be adopting (go read a Simpsons (UK - US rip) letters page and you'll see what I mean)


                              • #30
                                SILLY CANADIANS.

