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  • #31

    1. Cut off your testicles.

    2. Die.


    • #32
      CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

      Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!
      Each time a new player goes out and buys CS or HL, Valve gets money. So if they can't get money out of the experienced players, they will cator the game to new players so they buy it. And then guess what happens... Valve releases CS CZ which fixes all the 1.4 problems and they count on people buying that. Rather smart.


      • #33
        im actually looking forward to CS:CZ


        • #34
          i belive the reason well 1 of the reasons that cs is so popular is that it can be enjoyed by ppl with not so good computers as well as ppl with good computers

          witch isnt the case in teh huge faliure that quake 3 is online


          • #35
            [SBD]Stinger wrote..

            CS gives the real feel of a terrorist or swat team that many games such as rogue spear, swat, and other similar games tried to accomplish but can't because of poor AI and slow play. I feel Valves biggest mistake is changing the way players can play the game. I think to continue to give CS more realistic feel they need more real feeling maps. I think CS thunder was a great example of that only the map was to big and it had the wrong Idea. It should have been a de map and by setting the bomb in key places the damn would fail flooding a community further down the road. Any way thats my 2 cents.
            I do like CS_Thunder, a lot, but I had never thought about planting a bomb there, though that would make a lot more sense. I want thunder back, with a properly balanced system so it will be fair.

            Anyway, here's why CS is a success:

            1. System requirements not outrageous. There's nothing that enrages me more than not being able to play a game properly because some punk-ass designer decided that the most important thing was making the game look pretty for people with GeForce3's and 1.4 GHz processors, and to hell with fast code.

            2. Rides on the already popular HL, and is free that way.

            3. Killing isn't mindless. In TFC, the only way to capture an enemy flag when another, large team is determined to stop you is to have the entire team charge, regardless of class, into the enemy base, suffering horrible casualties and maybe having one medic make it out alive, if that. In HL, there is even less appeal, because to enjoy it, you must enjoy killing as an end in itself. Sure, it's fun, but it doesn't keep one's attention.

            4. Maps. Generally underappreciated, CS's maps are one of the game's backbones. They offer many different routes without symmetry, yet remain reasonably balanced. The only serious exceptions to this are de_survivor and de_dust2.

            5. Money. Money is a motivation to act in the team's favor. Sure, TFC gives you points, but that just seems to devalue points in the opinion of most people. Money is a tangible reward for cooperation and completing objectives.

            6. Surrealistic. HL is total fantasy, just totally accurate guns firing nonstop until someone else silences them. TFC is even more unrealistic, often with someone dying the same way many times over. CS always seems to posess an element of unpredictability, even if the game is really totally predictable. Dodging matters, but it must be balanced by one's own ability to return fire.


            • #36
              GonePostal wrote..

              CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

              Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!

              Each time a new player goes out and buys CS or HL, Valve gets money. So if they can't get money out of the experienced players, they will cator the game to new players so they buy it. And then guess what happens... Valve releases CS CZ which fixes all the 1.4 problems and they count on people buying that. Rather smart.
              Im glad the cz patch is FREE :\


              • #37
                Good article Mr bond. A suggestion (if you had asked me) would be to have added more on how the game was thought up, etc, but my criticism is obviously too late. Likewise, good article.


                • #38
                  "continuous updates are now frowned upon, they are adored."

                  I'm assuming that 'now' is supposed to be not

                  I think what draws people to CS is:

                  Low system requirements

                  Is a balance between (not IN TOTALITY, in part) Rogue Spear and Quake. It has a death match feel with a team valued system.

                  Real guns. It seems people like using real guns...

                  Dual Berettas. As we ALL know, John Woo is God so we must honour him ..

                  I will truly miss CS, I wish you guys all the best


                  • #39
                    CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                    GonePostal wrote..

                    CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                    Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!

                    Each time a new player goes out and buys CS or HL, Valve gets money. So if they can't get money out of the experienced players, they will cator the game to new players so they buy it. And then guess what happens... Valve releases CS CZ which fixes all the 1.4 problems and they count on people buying that. Rather smart.

                    Im glad the cz patch is FREE :\
                    The multiplayer patch is free yes, but if you want the game, shell out the $$$...


                    • #40
                      GonePostal wrote..

                      CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                      GonePostal wrote..

                      CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                      Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!

                      Each time a new player goes out and buys CS or HL, Valve gets money. So if they can't get money out of the experienced players, they will cator the game to new players so they buy it. And then guess what happens... Valve releases CS CZ which fixes all the 1.4 problems and they count on people buying that. Rather smart.

                      Im glad the cz patch is FREE :\

                      The multiplayer patch is free yes, but if you want the game, shell out the $$$...
                      The patch is free......dicko... It would upgrade CS to CZ standard. meaning all the weapons in CZ CAN be brought over to CS. The patch itself is a freebie. All the extra firearms from CZ will be patched into CS FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE stupid uninformed noob.....

                      The downside is that the enhanced graphics will not be available in the patch...........


                      • #41
                        What really bothers me about this split in the CS community is all the bitching ppl who don't like CS 1.4 are doing. I mean, what's the point of coming on CSN (for example) and giving an opinionated speech on why YOUthink CS suX0r!!! If u don't like the update for whatever reason, that fine, that's ur choice to make, but what's the point of bitching? You trying to convert people?

                        Just pack up your shit and get the hell out! The questionable features in this latest update are just being used as scapegoats (finally! I used the word "scapegoats") by so called veterans of the game to stop playing. Just cuz they got bored don't mean 1.4 is useless. You think the dev. team working on the update wants to lose customers? NO! If ur beefs with the game have any substancial base, then they will be altered in the next update. End of story.

                        As far as the n00bs go, (I being one in skill) I say, go forth and n00b it up cuz we need fresh talent on CS. And u were all n00bs once, like it or lump it. Well that's all. ...Peace in the Mid-East - Z3U5d90d


                        • #42
                          Pansy Ranger wrote..

                          GonePostal wrote..

                          CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                          GonePostal wrote..

                          CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                          Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!

                          Each time a new player goes out and buys CS or HL, Valve gets money. So if they can't get money out of the experienced players, they will cator the game to new players so they buy it. And then guess what happens... Valve releases CS CZ which fixes all the 1.4 problems and they count on people buying that. Rather smart.

                          Im glad the cz patch is FREE :\

                          The multiplayer patch is free yes, but if you want the game, shell out the $$$...

                          The patch is free......dicko... It would upgrade CS to CZ standard. meaning all the weapons in CZ CAN be brought over to CS. The patch itself is a freebie. All the extra firearms from CZ will be patched into CS FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE stupid uninformed noob.....

                          The downside is that the enhanced graphics will not be available in the patch...........
                          That's what I just said dumbass, maybe you can't read?

                          Added @ [time="1020399213"]

                          Z3U5d90d wrote..

                          What really bothers me about this split in the CS community is all the bitching ppl who don't like CS 1.4 are doing. I mean, what's the point of coming on CSN (for example) and giving an opinionated speech on why YOUthink CS suX0r!!! If u don't like the update for whatever reason, that fine, that's ur choice to make, but what's the point of bitching? You trying to convert people?

                          Just pack up your shit and get the hell out! The questionable features in this latest update are just being used as scapegoats (finally! I used the word "scapegoats") by so called veterans of the game to stop playing. Just cuz they got bored don't mean 1.4 is useless. You think the dev. team working on the update wants to lose customers? NO! If ur beefs with the game have any substancial base, then they will be altered in the next update. End of story.

                          As far as the n00bs go, (I being one in skill) I say, go forth and n00b it up cuz we need fresh talent on CS. And u were all n00bs once, like it or lump it. Well that's all. ...Peace in the Mid-East - Z3U5d90d
                          Why don't the n00bs pack up and leave and stop bitching about headshots and jumping and they can't kill anyone blah blah blah blah blah? Well, they succeeded in n00bifying the game and driving away people that actually matter.


                          • #43
                            Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1020404623"]

                            Will you edit the text inside your god damned quote tags so it is at least relevant to the conversation? Do I have to program everything or can some of you make an effort to think on your own?

                            GonePostal: Your conspiracy theory is inane. CS: CZ will not have any different multiplayer than what we are playing whenever the game is released.


                            • #44
                              Good article Mr Bond. I think that CS 1.4 is the best CS mod of the CS mods released. But the lack of real anti-cheat program build in game makes it possible to cheat in CS 1.4 just after a week it's released. And you have to add some lines in CS to allow "in-game wh". What I mean with "in-game wh" is that it isn't any 3rd party program that enables wh. It's in CS 1.4 a bug what allows you to wh. I hope that the problems would be solved in CS 1.5 and the 1.5 will be released soon.


                              • #45
                                Why do I enjoy CS so much? I'm naturally attracted to pretty flashing lights and swirling dark shades of red, DUH!

