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deep impact

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  • #16
    "CS has also avoided the other extreme of creating an arcade-like experience, which has added tremendously to the diverse tactics that can be used, like coordinated assaults and stealthy insertions.

    This fact alone, over time, has helped to build up the massive online CS community which keeps seasoned gamers coming back for a experience that is newer and, in some cases, better.

    What CS has shown, though, is that a continued and consolidated effort to improve and add on to the original game can drastically prolong a title's online popularity.

    Quake 3: Team Arena was a dismal failure; in a world where gamers are spoiled by Valve Software, the CS team, the Day of Defeat team, and many other generous folk, why would we pay for something only a fourth new?"

    How can we be stealthly when you run like an elephant and walk like a toddler? What stops people from flat out camping? I really don't think most seasoned players will stay very long with the current update, and in this case, it seems for the worse. Improve upon the original game play? That only goes so far, and 1.4 has gone too far. Who is it improving the gameplay for, the season players? I think not. It is the seasoned players that make CS what it is and contribute the most to the CS community. 1.4 is only popular among players that live in ignorance. You have to pay to play CS, either you bought CS or you bought HL, infact I bought HL twice for my second won id. It's not my decision how Valve uses that money.


    • #17
      cheetarah654 wrote..

      i honestly think one of the most important things that helps make cs so popular is the fact that when you die you have to wait till the round is over. i have ALWAYS wanted a game like this, and when cs came along it was perfect. the idea that you have to be careful while attacking really helps you decide on what you plan to do, it isnt like TFC or HLDM where you die and respawn instantly, after a while that just gets boring because you dont worry about dying, afterall youll just start again, and wont lose money. but cs is different, you have to be careful and you cant just run around acting stupid. i dont understan why more people dont ever talk about this making cs so popular.
      R6, RS, GR and a few others I don't remember off the top of my head all have the 'wait-til-next-round-after-you-die' feature. I think that CS remains popular despite the cheaters is the fact that it's really easy to get into. It runs from an engine that does not require a lot of time to load/launch and it's really easy to get into the game. A lot of other multiplayer games are - I find - either slow loading or difficult to get into/start.


      • #18
        the great thing about this is that a mod of CS is coming out soon, Condition Zero, which will tweak up the graphis and!


        • #19
          I think what gives CS that feel that everybody likes is the challenging co-operative play of CS. Its different in the fashion that its not you and your buddy playing the same map with the same preprogrammed monster characters that no matter how many times you play it. The monster characters do the exact same thing. Its the feeling that you are helping your team to accomplish the goal and when your killed your not just out for the round, but your team is short another killing force. Its one of the few games that you can use several tactics to win. Rather is be an ambush, camp out, or full out assault. CS gives the real feel of a terrorist or swat team that many games such as rogue spear, swat, and other similar games tried to accomplish but can't because of poor AI and slow play. I feel Valves biggest mistake is changing the way players can play the game. I think to continue to give CS more realistic feel they need more real feeling maps. I think CS thunder was a great example of that only the map was to big and it had the wrong Idea. It should have been a de map and by setting the bomb in key places the damn would fail flooding a community further down the road. Any way thats my 2 cents.


          • #20
            -Jªmes Bºnd- wrote..

            R6, RS, GR and a few others I don't remember off the top of my head all have the 'wait-til-next-round-after-you-die' feature. I think that CS remains popular despite the cheaters is the fact that it's really easy to get into. It runs from an engine that does not require a lot of time to load/launch and it's really easy to get into the game. A lot of other multiplayer games are - I find - either slow loading or difficult to get into/start.
            thats true but there is just somehting about cs that makes it stand out among those. the action is different than RS and R6, they are almost too strategic and technical, like all that shit you have to do before the mission, with cs its just join a server and you go. cs is simple enough to be fun and easy but realistic enough to make you feel like you are there. its a good mix.


            • #21
              Edited by [user="15681"] @ [time="1020379130"]

              Edit: rizzuh told me that I'm a porker and to not be off topic. I removed this post. I think he's mean.


              • #22
                Mr Bond, I think the custom model community is also a huge reason why CS is still alive. You forgot to mention that... Atleast I didn't see it when I skimmed your article.


                • #23
                  THS wrote..

                  Mr Bond, I think the custom model community is also a huge reason why CS is still alive. You forgot to mention that... At least I didn't see it when I skimmed your article.
                  models are nice for a change of the way things look, and a few laughs (depending on what models you use) but, IMHO it's the custom mapping community that makes CS truly stand out among FPS's

                  Yes, I know there are custom mapping communities for other games as well, but the major standout for me is that there are SOOOOOOO MANY people making a whole lot of extremely high-quality maps for CS. Just take a look through the map pimpage section of the forums at for some really good examples of the kind of maps put out for public use by everyday CS players.


                  • #24
                    cheetarah654 wrote..

                    -Jªmes Bºnd- wrote..

                    R6, RS, GR and a few others I don't remember off the top of my head all have the 'wait-til-next-round-after-you-die' feature. I think that CS remains popular despite the cheaters is the fact that it's really easy to get into. It runs from an engine that does not require a lot of time to load/launch and it's really easy to get into the game. A lot of other multiplayer games are - I find - either slow loading or difficult to get into/start.

                    thats true but there is just somehting about cs that makes it stand out among those. the action is different than RS and R6, they are almost too strategic and technical, like all that shit you have to do before the mission, with cs its just join a server and you go. cs is simple enough to be fun and easy but realistic enough to make you feel like you are there. its a good mix.
                    Its the balanced between realism and action


                    • #25
                      This is so full of shit!!!

                      updates either: since 1999 CS has been constantly revamped with new features, maps and improvements many according to user feedback


                      People fucking hate 1.4, only ones who like it are newbs who have no strat and no aiming skillz so they run around like little faggots and go full auto with AK47's and because the of the fuckers at the CS team they score random headshots. The CS team couldnt give a fuck about player feedback. They get payed by valve so they will keep pumping "BETTER" versions of CS to make more money. Fucking sellouts.

                      There should be a 1.1 or previous version of CS re-released, and you should be able to download it. It should be called "Counter-Strike EXPERT". Although this will never happen because as i have said before the people at the CS team could give a fuck less what the people who play the game actually think.

                      Fuck Condition Zero, Fuck CS team......


                      • #26
                        Whats really weird is that how does valve get money from the updates.. wait they are FREE!!! Valve may get a small amount of money out of steam but really the cs retail box won't begin to say 1.4 out for newbies get it now!!!

                        If you are truely l337 kill the newbies with the full auto ak47s fucker

                        Added @ [time="1020387480"]

                        Ok its ok to hate 1.4 but plz have a valid reason..


                        • #27
                          Itsfuntolose69 wrote..

                          This is so full of shit!!!

                          updates either: since 1999 CS has been constantly revamped with new features, maps and improvements many according to user feedback


                          People fucking hate 1.4, only ones who like it are newbs who have no strat and no aiming skillz so they run around like little faggots and go full auto with AK47's and because the of the fuckers at the CS team they score random headshots. The CS team couldnt give a fuck about player feedback. They get payed by valve so they will keep pumping "BETTER" versions of CS to make more money. Fucking sellouts.

                          There should be a 1.1 or previous version of CS re-released, and you should be able to download it. It should be called "Counter-Strike EXPERT". Although this will never happen because as i have said before the people at the CS team could give a fuck less what the people who play the game actually think.

                          Fuck Condition Zero, Fuck CS team......
                          So to get this straight..."people" (an undefined category) hate CS 1.4 because of "newbs" (who, according to you, are all people who "have no strat and no aiming skillz so they run around like little faggots and go full auto with AK47's and because the of the fuckers at the CS team they score random headshots.").

                          Well, ok. Now I understand and I can go on with the rest of my life. Thank you for your well-informed comments.


                          • #28
                            im starting to go to firearms and day of defeat..i dont know why but CS isnt really fun for me anymore =\ TFC too!!! tfc is cooooooooooooo


                            • #29
                              Itsfuntolose69 wrote..

                              This is so full of shit!!!

                              updates either: since 1999 CS has been constantly revamped with new features, maps and improvements many according to user feedback


                              People fucking hate 1.4, only ones who like it are newbs who have no strat and no aiming skillz so they run around like little faggots and go full auto with AK47's and because the of the fuckers at the CS team they score random headshots. The CS team couldnt give a fuck about player feedback. They get payed by valve so they will keep pumping "BETTER" versions of CS to make more money. Fucking sellouts.

                              There should be a 1.1 or previous version of CS re-released, and you should be able to download it. It should be called "Counter-Strike EXPERT". Although this will never happen because as i have said before the people at the CS team could give a fuck less what the people who play the game actually think.

                              Fuck Condition Zero, Fuck CS team......

                              You can get old evrsions here and lots of people still play them. You'd do the same thing, though if Valve offered you money.


                              • #30
                                Deep Impact? I thought it was spelled Da Pimp Act... the groundbreaking legislation that legalized the sale of sexual favors.

