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cheats abound

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  • #31

    With Steam, developers are given integrated tools for direct-content publishing, flexible billing, ensured-version control, anti-cheating, anti-piracy, and more.

    You dont get it do you, dumbass. Did you stop playing CS as soon as cheats came out?!? Nope. I'd say 95% of players are still in... and more people play CS everyday. Thats what matters. In-game advertising, automatic cafe fees, credit-card authentication... its all built in to Steam so that someday soon, Valve can rape you with its big profit margin penis!

    Seriously, if Valve wanted to stop cheating, Cheating Death was the best software to do that with, and they could have snapped that up in an instant... but they didnt! Because they wanted to develop a platform where they could achieve their business aims in light of the mass appeal of CS. The primary push for this stuff is flexible billing and customer tracking... thats what speaks volumes to the managers at a company... not loser 15 year olds whining about getting owned through a wall



    • #32
      Please read my above post.

      When OGC is no longer worth downloading because the latest version gets detected a day after its release, you maby, just maby, might see my argument.

      Thank you.


      • #33
        MikeJ wrote..

        Please read my above post.

        When OGC is no longer worth downloading because the latest version gets detected a day after its release, you maby, just maby, might see my argument.

        Thank you.
        Either you are a little young and haven't been in a workplace yet, or you are too obsessed with CS to see why Valve is so desperate to make some revenue on their handiwork...


        • #34
          Have you not read my above post? If you did you would see I clearly explained why it is financially in valves best interest to stop cheating. Try again please.


          • #35
            hay fku


            • #36
              garrynewman wrote..

              hay fku
              This is the best comment i have seen in my years of whoring CSN.

              Care to dance?


              • #37
                PlZ listen too my ---

                if u take hud_draw off by typing hud_draw 0 Sniper blackout dissapears i accidently stumbled over this

                valve tsk tsk tsk


                • #38
                  CSG can check your variables for hud_draw


                  • #39
                    God damn i hate those Cheaters.. Could someone give GOOD answer to my question: why ppl have to cheat..? .. why ppl cant just play on their own levels and from there on learn the game and become better.. Im not good player at all ..Ive been playing CS about 4 months.. but I played Unreal Tournament 2 and ½ years.. so I know something.. but its more than anoying that ppl can be so childish and have to skrew up others game.. I suppose that these games are for fun and for ppl to meet each others etc. just cant understand these Idiots.. :/

                    eP.Androme - Finland


                    • #40
                      knowing Valve, that means August


                      • #41

                        Well from listening to your ranting I cant tell you might be older but your way out of the game when it comes to the world of business. Its because of free grabbing people like you that made Napster, and other p2p interfaces so popular with your "BILL GATES IS THE ANTI-CHRIST ROUTINE!!!" Value, as with any corporation is out to make profits plain and simple. If consumers feel like they are being "raped' for the price of steam or any other game what will happen? Demand will go down and so will profits. I think MikeJ brings up a legitimate and valid point. Its in Valve's best interest to keep the community strong and this means developing software that gets rid of cheating as much as possible. You seem to believe that because cheating has already been a problem and people still play then thats not an issue Valve needs to address.

                        MEMO TO YOU PAL: Corporate America or Canada or etc etc. is not a bunch of old men sitting around a smoke filled room thinking about the new way to rip money out of your pocket. ( I love this attitude among gamers. This anti-corporate garbage, when they are running windows, office, buying games left and right, wearing t shirts with Polo on the chest, the list goes on and on. You are a pawn just like anyone else, but you are a pawn of your own WANTS not Bill Gates or Michael Dell's. So drop the lamer "Valve can rape you with its big profit margin penis!" statements.) Valve, as with any company, has to address the problems of its community or they will lose interest and market share. Granted there are more players than ever before but you also must realize why might this be the case. Lets see:

                        1. People are being taught at an earlier age how to use computers more effectively.

                        2. Computer companies such as "money hungry" dell and compaq have been cutting prices dramitically to keep market share. Cheaper computers=more players

                        3. Computer gaming as well as console gaming is becoming more and more popular.

                        4. Now more than ever there are more jobs centered around the PC and networking than in anytime in history.

                        Having said all that you just need to look at the big picture, which you obviously have failed to do. Its not just about our community, in the simplest sense its pleasing the customer. If games such as SOF2 or Global Operations take off then CS is at a great risk of losing customers and even more so if cheating continues.




                        • #42
                          Edited by [user="27790"] @ [time="1020422928"]

                          can anyone explain this to me. i run black ice mmmkay mmkay mmmkay, mmmkay and every so often i get a port scan or whatever from speakeasy server even though im not on a speakeasy server....could they be probing all cs users and actually detec ting cheats and logging wonids only to ban them from steam version? or am i readinbg into that a lil to much. peace


                          • #43
                            that is most likely the WONID server i would think. Although I thought that would be at or whatever. It could be part of the new secure server thingy, but it doesnt make since for them to connect with clients. Go into your liblist.gam and set secure to "0" and see if it still happens. But i can safely tell you that they are not probing your machine looking for cheats. That is illegal without your consent. Now that i think about it it probably has something to do with keeping a record of which host are on which secure server, so if you get detected with cheats they flag your IP and will perhaps do something with it later...


                            • #44

                              SI sherwin ay pogi talagang pogi this a true CS site


                              Added @ [time="1020424597"]

                              [img="D:\My Documents\MYPICT~1\KINTAB1.JPG"



                              • #45
                                Who the fuck are these fucks that think they can stop OGC-cheats.

                                But it's better than nothing. And i'm not a cheater!!

