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cheats abound

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  • cheats abound

    Thanks to half of North America for informing me of something that I knew last week: there seems to be another cvar exploit in Half-Life. Similar to gl_zmax in its ease of use, this exploit simply moves your view forwards through objects like walls and whatnot. It sounds more harmful than it is, as I've heard it's easy to get disoriented.

    In either case, a much more harmful cheat has been released. OGC version 8 is out and is CS 1.4 compatible. It contains most "features" of previous versions.

    It is very important to note that the anti-cheat hasn't been really activated (that image is of a test scenario). A new server-side release of Half-Life or Counter-Strike (or both) is scheduled to be released in a few days time. Knowing Valve, that means next week.

  • #2
    Edited by [user="2905"] @ [time="1020308909"]

    /me looks into the near future:

    "rizzuh, don't promote cheating...bla...bla...blah.."


    • #3
      Edited by [user="26788"] @ [time="1020308741"]

      yea i noticed ogc 8 or whatever else when i was playing on a 28 server n got killed in spawn through wall (the dude is in his spawn)

      it was a (1)Player with a 58-2 score.....

      kinda weird eh?


      • #4
        valve was smart to wait to see what cheats would make it through the system before releasing the compete protection, this way its just wasted time for OGC 8, hopefully when the protection is fully activated no more OGC will be possible


        • #5
          what happens if the ogc assholes release a new version after the valve thing....will all servers have to download a new version of the anti cheat evreytime a new hack comes out?


          • #6
            It's actually kind of funny, but cheaters seem to be creating jobs this way. The more cheats they make, the more people will be hired to counter them. I bet cheaters didnt see that one coming.


            • #7
              I personally admin a server, and I it's quite obvious when people are using the cvar exploit, they just stand next to the wall and look through it, I banned about 8 people in 5 minutes because a player openly said the cvar.


              • #8
                Edited by [user="26788"] @ [time="1020309332"]

                It's actually kind of funny, but cheaters seem to be creating jobs this way. The more cheats they make, the more people will be hired to counter them. I bet cheaters didnt see that one coming.
                rofl those ph47 dudes at valve fresh outta college who were hired for the anti cheat must be laughin their asses off at the ogc asses


                • #9
                  just wait till tomorrow, ogc may be stopped dead in it's tracks as xqz2 currently is at the moment.

                  At least until new versions of both come out.


                  • #10

                    CRAP I HAVE GONE QUITE MAD


                    • #11
                      well it's starting to look better, BUT, we should have heard this direct from VALVe, not rizzuh. Anyone know the command the post mentioned? ;-)


                      • #12
                        i know it, but I ain't saying. Just look around, it's fairly easy to find unfortunately. It's a stupid trick, and depending on the wall you're looking through, useless as well.

                        The new spectator modes will instantly tell you if someone just used the wall hack script on you or not though. These idiots aren't too hard to spot apparently


                        • #13
                          Exo wrote..

                          I personally admin a server, and I it's quite obvious when people are using the cvar exploit, they just stand next to the wall and look through it, I banned about 8 people in 5 minutes because a player openly said the cvar.
                          been there done that. the worst on my server was somebody actually wrote in the exec command... dumb@$$


                          • #14
                            Innocence Wrote...

                            been there done that. the worst on my server was somebody actually wrote in the exec command... dumb@$$
                            You see, Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb.

                            Oh wait, I have that backwards.


                            • #15
                              Evil is always smarter than good!!! Thats why rizzuh is soo evil

