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Steam 4/19

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  • #91
    u probaly forgot the smiley face then because there's no smiley face in ur post earlier.....

    and about the foreign subject.. who said it was foreign?

    U try speaking dutch to me, then come back and moan some more


    • #92


      • #93
        Nesto wrote..

        u probaly forgot the smiley face then because there's no smiley face in ur post earlier.....

        and about the foreign subject.. who said it was foreign?

        U try speaking dutch to me, then come back and moan some more
        Your sir, are a moron. I said simile, not a smile. Go back to school and learn what a simile is.


        • #94
          stooopid wrote..

          Where do you get the numbers!!

          The numbers are increasing because ppl want to play the game for fun not to cheat!!

          First, the numbers are from the Steam broadband operating model on steampowered. Its a business plan.

          Second, it doesn't matter why people play, only that it is wildly popular and nobody is making money on it. If you were in charge of Valve you'd be rubbing your nuts trying to figure out how to turn some revenue on it somewhere... This isn't rocket science. You would be informed to know that Steam includes all kinds of nice features for "e-commerce" including credit card authorization, one-time fees, subscriptions, and related billing mechanisms. I don't make this stuff up. Its right there in the report (if you can read, of course).

          Its coming people... maybe not in 1.4... but soon.

          I read an interview somewhere recently (I think it was the british comp mag, Edge) and, incredibly, they said that they're actually talk about how they're hoping to finally make money out of their work. well done for your deduction Mr Stooopid but the numbers aren't just for a plan confined to milking the cashcow counterstrike, it's also to prove to clients that might want to publish games over Steam that there's a wide enough audience.

          I wouldn't actually mind paying a reasonable rate for counterstrike - I've been playing free for the past two years and it actually costs Valve money to maintain it over all this time anyway... I don't think cheating is the reason for the rise in popularity though - the numbers may be high but cheaters are cheaters and I'll bet the majority won't pay their way, although the slower ones will probably pay then get banned multiple times...


          • #95
            Goo5ey wrote..

            I read an interview somewhere recently (I think it was the british comp mag, Edge) and, incredibly, they said that they're actually talk about how they're hoping to finally make money out of their work. well done for your deduction Mr Stooopid but the numbers aren't just for a plan confined to milking the cashcow counterstrike, it's also to prove to clients that might want to publish games over Steam that there's a wide enough audience.
            I wouldn't actually mind paying a reasonable rate for counterstrike - I've been playing free for the past two years and it actually costs Valve money to maintain it over all this time anyway... I don't think cheating is the reason for the rise in popularity though - the numbers may be high but cheaters are cheaters and I'll bet the majority won't pay their way, although the slower ones will probably pay then get banned multiple times...
            Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that cheating has made CS more popular... i was just saying that Valve can make their money whether cheating is popular or not. It hasnt made CS less popular, so why should Valve care? Maybe to make the whinners stfu.



            • #96
              No one is going to read this.

              Pot is a gateway drug? Proof? Non-existant, it's just as much as a "gateway" as sugar, caffine, or alcohol.

              Pot is addictive? It's addictive in the sense that sex, food, and drinking soda can be. It is not a real addiction like nicotine is. In either case, addiction should not impede your right to use a drug, unless it's a addiction that removes your right to not use the drug.

              I never said pot has no side effects, but I suppose I should clear my opinions: the govenment does not legislate what we can and cannot do based on risk. If that were the case, driving and unprotected sex wouldn't be allowed, along with everything else that is risky in the least.

              Again, no one is going to read this.


              • #97
                SO when is this actually gonna be released???

                - BankshOt


                • #98
                  Dammit hurry valve release,release!!


                  • #99
                    Hi guyz,

                    Just one question

                    I read somewhere (cant remember where )

                    That if you have steam your cs will be auto updated as soon as 1.4 is beeing released

                    is this true?


                    • m0o :>


                      • Last argument: Richard Nixon's own congressional panel recommended legalization - IN THE 70'S.

