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CPL on TechTV

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  • CPL on TechTV

    The CPL will be featured on TechTV this weekend. First, Extended Play will run a story about it. Extended Play premiere this Friday at 8:30 PM Eastern. You can also catch it Friday night at 11:30 p.m, Saturday at 11 AM, 5:30 PM, 9:30 PM or Sunday at 2 AM, 3 PM, 11 PM (all Eastern).

    I heard Angel will be featured on Thursday's The Screen Savers, but I don't know for sure. If you have DirecTV, TechTV is on channel 354. Help Paul Allen out and TiVo these shows, foo.

    Update: Angel posted word in our comments that his interview on Screen Savers has been moved to mid-January. Also, an ESPN special will run on ESPN in March. You can grab a preview of Extended Play right here.

  • #2
    CPL on TechTV

    On May 7th TechTV's The Screen Savers will be hosting a gaming day.
    Some of The Screen Savers invited guests include Angel Munoz (founder & president of The Cyberathlete Professional League), Stevie Case, American McGee, Johnathan Wendel and Dennis Fong. These top players in the industry will discuss gaming's continuing popularity and the importance of recognizing gaming as a serious sport.
    The live program will air this Tuesday at 7pm EST. If you're interested in The Cyberathlete Professional League or gaming as a sport be sure to tune in.


    • #3
      My live interview on Screen Savers was moved to mid-January.

      -Angel, CPL


      • #4
        is west coast techtv 3 hours early like hbo and other channels?


        the names e-sports and computer sports seem silly to me. computer games are just GAMES. take chess for example. no one calls chess a sport, its just a game. like computer/video games millions of people play it. and unlike computer games millions of people watch chess games. yet it is still called a game, not a sport.

        im not saying computer games shouldnt be played at a competitve level, just that calling them 'sports' seems..lame


        • #5
          Actually some people are trying to turn Chess into a sport -

          Also check this quote:

          "Some people say that chess is a game. Others call it an art. Yet another group call it a sport. Garry Kasparov has called chess the cruelest of all sports."


          "...this house congratulates the Minister for Sport for reaffirming his support for chess to be recognised as a sport; recognises that chess is a sport in which there are no barriers of physical ability or between the sexes; notes that in this country 4 million people play chess, and in England alone 50,000 children in some 3,000 clubs play it; recognises that the United Kingdom is the second strongest nation in the world after Russia and currently European champions..."


          • #6
            battousai slasher: kenshin = teh win

            teletubbies = teh lose

            sesame street = teh draw


            • #7
              If you have The Dish Network, its on channel 191, i just started getting the channel, great channel when they aren't playing re-runs


              • #8
                What is this Tivo you talk of?


                • #9
                  i have direct tv and for some reason it says "this channal is currenly unavailable" what does it mean?


                  • #10
                    gooooooooooooooooo angel munozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


                    • #11
                      American McGee? who is that and is that a real name? Why didn;t my mom name me American!?


                      • #12
                        it seems as though the cpl is just using counter strike because it's the "big sport". it seems to have forgotten all about q3.


                        • #13
                          When will people get that COMPUTER GAMES ARE NOT A SPORT:

                          Oxford Dictionary definition: game or competitive activity usually involving physical exertion

                          OK, so maybe some geeks somewhere consider pressing keys on a keyboard and moving the mouse as a strenious physical activity, but I don't. Instead of encouraging the masses to sit around all day, screwing their eyes up (I think I already have) and failing their health, we should encourage a more healthy life style. Yea ok, a game here or there is no problem, I wasnt saying we shouldn't have any fun, but by saying that it's a sport is going too far.

                          Imagine 'Physical Eduction Option: Counter-Strike' in your school - wot is the world coming to!???


                          • #14
                            Not that I think that professional gaming is a sport - and I appreciate that you chose a real source for a definition (Websters is for children) - but I don't think you can argue based on that definition that Professional Gaming isn't a sport.

                            After all, the definition does say usually involving physical exertion and not always. And many people consider Stock Car Racing to be a sport, even though you're essentially letting a machine do all the work.

                            My opinion? Professional Gaming is not a sport. yet. It is right now a hobby without enough support from financers or the public to become a full-fledged sport. Give it 10 years and you'll probably see some movement towards real, honest-to-goodness sport.


                            • #15
                              Like Greg the bunny said, usually doesn't mean "always." CS is certainly a "game or competitive activity." I have more fun watching the CPL finals than I do with baseball games.

