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  • #76
    I played 1.4 the first day and hated it. Went to my old sever with a ton of my friends and skilled rivals and hated it. Now today I LOVE it. Im hopeless yes? hehe well now I see what they have done and it freakin owns, others will see it too if they give it time. So anyways wow first hate then love. AND MAY THEY never change recoils again they seem perfect now! I say now because really I was a DE whore jumper and those moves owned smg guys in 1.3. No more and I like it cuz it makes sense that a mp5er would kick a DE users ass. Auto snipers work!!!!!!! thats all I need to say on that. Awmer's aren't owning like we all feared. Spec modes are made by gods! and ok ok im getting carried away BUT WHY STOP ME NOW! The bomb on radar is great and i think fair as well and hosties good good too. they fallow you for once not to good with ladders tho. All in all on reason I didn't liek it when I first played was all the guns seemed off and firdt thing I thought to myself was man I DO NOT want to learn them all over again. But in the end they are all better sure some recoils weren't changed. But in a way they were because them damned hitboxes were fixed to no more huge heads besides my own ego enlarged head! Anyways its all good in the end im very happy. The jumping thing at first seems TO be horrible OMG SHOOT ME NOW I HATE U ALL kinda thing. But it jsut works in the end. Only hint ill give ya is change 65% of your old fighting tactics and you will be owning in 1.4. By fighting tactics I mean the old super hard tricks that were bs but worked, cuz now they don't which is more realistic and yet still fun. DAMN you cliff and all you other cs makers for making me think you suck for only to prove me to being such a newbie in your presence.

    errr.... this was going to be a small post sorry for the novel


    Added @ [time="1019946840"]

    oh that is kinda true my comp can't keep up ether but im on a very old system so its my fault not cs. it can't hang around and wait for everybody to update. 12mgb gfx card 550 mhz 128 ram. warning do not buy this setup for $500 it aint worth that no more.

