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  • Back to Normal

    After covering the release of Counter-Strike 1.3 all day, CS-Nation is now back at a normal pace. We did a great job covering all the mirrors, and lots of people relied on us to get their files, and that's very fulfilling. Asspennies and myself did all the grunt work today, and boy was it hard. Two pats on the back to both of us and maybe even a tip of the hat to the gang in #counterstrike, who helped me gather lots of fast links. Together, we drove websites into the ground in order to get our latest version of CS. You can find all of those mirrors right here. Some mirrors will clam down, some will just go down, and no one feels like updating the page -- we want to play CS!

    And though a few bugs are here and there (hostage warping, ATI issues, etc) CS 1.3 is really a cool release. The voice feature is really amazing and shows that Valve meant business when they said it'd rock our world.

  • #2
    Back to Normal

    Our CS 1.4 release coverage is now over. We still have all of our mirror links up:

    First of all, I must thank for the folks in #counterstrike for helping me with mirrors and mirror links. Ritchey007 and ms_ helped a lot, but so did dozens of others. Thanks also to everyone to e-mailed me mirrors. It was tough work, but it would have been a lot harder without your support.

    Let me say that I am disappointed that we were so crowded yesterday. Thousands of CS fans simply got 404 errors and our site was being literally hammered. In the span of 10 hours (before it was even released, folks), we got 2.5 million hits. Our server couldn't handle the load for everyone. FilePlanet, Planet Half-Life, and ShackNews all basically suffered the same fate: 404 galore. I am deeply sorry that a lot of you didn't get your mirror listing until later in the night, but eventually the servers settled down.

    For those who did get the page, you'll understand how much effort went into this. No other site did what we did: provided users with hundreds of mirrors as opposed to the normal two or three. I'm very proud of our coverage. It's a shame that it was so good that it caused our server to get overloaded.

    Let me just say that this release seemed to be the least organized in recent memory. There didn't seem to be a lot of preperation. The mod files being late caused a lot of havok and many thousands of players still can't reach the full mod file. I'm not going to blame the CS team or Valve, it just seemed there were less mirrors this time around, or that the quality of mirrors was lower. There was a distinct lack of average people with really high bandwidth slapping up the mirrors. Only two came this time around (BTEG and During CS 1.3, there were over a dozen small-time yet really fast servers, like redphive.

    I know plenty of you still don't have CS 1.4, so grab it now!


    • #3
      Edited by [user="2905"] @ [time="1019776866"]

      i really enjoy the silence, let's talk about cookie recipes!

      (as long as and are mixed up)


      • #4
        You knew my secret

        Originally I wanted people to be able to visit the normal news page. Then a) the server got hammered b) we upgraded to a new PHP version that ruined our sort functions.


        • #5
          I liked the coverage rizzuh. Thanks for your hard work.


          • #6
            d/led it today...nice and decent speeds.


            • #7
              how long is the mirror page going to stay up

              o btw great work rizzuh


              • #8
                i fuckin hate 1.4 its so jewish


                • #9
                  lol 1.4 is class good chnages and bad changes but overall its better u think that no ones commenting coz they think its crap? :s lol

                  my clan server was running 1.4 soon as linux version came out and when the windows clients came out our server got the shite ripped out of it it got to packed and it burst it lol fixed now but


                  • #10
                    Yes awesome coverage indeed. Thanx much rizzuh, must have been tough during school.


                    • #11
                      Wait doesnt any1 know why the new maps are soo slow on my comp??


                      • #12
                        I love the new CS changes. The jumping does take some get used to be but it makes CS all about aiming. And in a First Person Shooter, aiming should be a tad bit important, not who can jump the best.

                        Btw, BeerNUT, did you even READ the newspost?!

                        JdeFalconr, rizzuh happened to be "sick" that day and couldn't attend school. WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!?


                        • #13
                          Wow rizzuh goes to "school"

                          hmm i thought he was like 40 something haha


                          • #14
                            Great coverage guys. Personally, I LOVE 1.4...although I suck royally at it. Oh well, I'll get better, right? Right.


                            • #15
                              Hey rizzuh, I got some screen shots of different sites and various wait times and thing from Wednesday. If you want them for any reason email me.

