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New Aztec Shots

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  • n@rb for the bridge did you put a CLIP brush through the bridge to make it so people dont fall through? or did you use another technique?


    • if nobody ever brought up changing the map, nobody would care...


      • Oh yeah 1 thing that has been bothering me.

        I know the map is not yet finished, but on picture 2 with bombsite B there is the -0AzMoss texture with the gray wall and the grass on the bottom, where it is touching the now gray stone floor. Which doesnt make sense since the -0AzMoss texture was for when the stone wall touches the grass. Im just telling you this unless you forgot to fix.


        • I can't wait to give the new Aztec a try as well as the Inferno update. I don't care if there are no significant changes, I'll take a pic or two anyday.


          • Whether i'm in the minority or not makes no difference. See, i like to pretend that i'm on a planet where things are ultimately decided, changed, and improved by rational thought instead of by the brute force of mass idiocy that's allowed by being a puss.


            • Take a Look at the screen shot from the UNREAL version of Aztec!

              Why cant Half-Life look that good????????????


              • Cause its a 5 year old engine?

                oh and narby, listen to mouth, he speaks the truth


                • Will Unreal come up with a version Counter-strike!... I mean they probably should.


                  • HELL YEA!!! Sucks about the lightning flash and crickets, it added a lot to the atmosphere. But hey, Aztec is my favorite map and it's about time it gets an update :-D


                    • Hmm that's weird... my last name is Narber .. Narby.. wow that's cool for a minute there i had an eery feeling but very nice. I have a lil tip though or atleast somethin u could add to the map. I think you should add some Vines hanging down from the bridge and the walls over by A bombsite i think that would look cool.


                      • Once again, n@rby in taking constructive criticism well shocker

                        Here endeth the sarcasm.

                        You say that community pressure has stopped you making changes before, so why make them now? If aztec displeases you that much as it is, make aztec 2. You should be able to tell that people are happy with aztec as it is at the moment. The criticism given isn't always constructive, but you flaming what people have to say doesn't helpe either.

                        Map's too bright, if the vegetation clumps are still there that looked amateurish. The lighting under the bridge is very dodgy at long range - real nice aesthetic "improvement". "Fixing" gaps people have grown used to play with and changing the nature of the bridge is changing the flow of the map, something you claim to not want to do.

                        Nevermind, we'll adapt and whinge when you decide that the walls should have been bright orange all along, and that to match the toxic green grass at ct spawn we should have bright purple neon lights. Hell, fuck the bridge, let's have a hover forcefield that electrifies people who step on it!

