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zEx & rs i'view

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  • #46
    zEx can blow me


    • #47
      First of all, both [3D] and F^ have more experiance on lan than zEx does. This gives those teams a distinct advantage. Obviously, especially in the case of F^ vs zEx, you would think that this would not be enough to merit F^'s victory, but I would like to point out that 1) zEx has been weakened by the loss of dreadassault 2) everyone has their bad games on lan([3D]...) and this is the first lan that zEx has had their starters. Furthermore, teams with lots of lan experiance commonly do better than expected, such as pinnacle at the CPL. Second, lets look at zEx's match against riot squad. They went into overtime. Riotsquad got destroyed at WCG... and zEx barely beat them... Does this mean that riotsquad is a config hacking clan also? No... everyone knows they aren't... Never the less, they did not play as well as we are accustomed to them playing at lans(hell they even beat F^ at a tango lan recently.)


      • #48
        only zex members that are too far to lan on a regular basis (lets say every 2 weeks on a weekend) would be like shaguar, volcano and MAYBE sunman, he's in Penn. but i forget how far from the rest of the clan. At least 4 of them, and most likely 5 could lan alot if they wanted to.


        • #49
          yea.. nighthawk.. delay.. moderator?


          • #50
            gg u bitches used my name on ur site without my permision! i did that interveiw and no one contacted me that it would be posted on csnation , for that im going to sue u all for all your cookies and milk , then maybe u will realize what u did wrong.. bitches ..

