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CS: CZ Delayed Again?

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  • What's the point of releasing a game designed to be played on Windows 9X systems? CZ (unless this has been changed) will not be XP certified, and Sierra will not provide support for those who will play the game on Windows XP. CS was a pain to tweak for XP. Especially figuring out the Refresh Rate fix for the first time. Windows will have a new OS soon and CZ will still be on 9X. I forsee a real long life for this game............


    • yeah its pathetic as how they always extend the game.. i mean look at cz, it soo looks like its almost finished. all they have to do is test 1.6 and stuff... that date better not be official, that my friend found, or else.. im gonna be pissed...


      • I WANT CS:CZ RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Animal Mother wrote..

          What's the point of releasing a game designed to be played on Windows 9X systems? CZ (unless this has been changed) will not be XP certified, and Sierra will not provide support for those who will play the game on Windows XP. CS was a pain to tweak for XP. Especially figuring out the Refresh Rate fix for the first time. Windows will have a new OS soon and CZ will still be on 9X. I forsee a real long life for this game............
          Dude, I was running CS on a PII 400 loaded with XP (which is Below minimum requirements according to M$) and a Rage Fury graphics card with playable frame rates. I don't know wtf you're talking about. You brought up a good point with the certification though. Maybe that's why cz is taking so gdmf long to come out. EBgames has its release date listed as 5/03 and the Guide listed as 2/03. How retarded is that? My psychic prediction is that if Steam 2.0 and cs 1.6 go off without a hich, that release date will be sooner rather than later. You hear that Gearbox? p5`/(1( p0\/\/3r... \/\/00t ja ja ja ja ja!

