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HL turns 4

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  • HL turns 4

    Fragmaster from Planet Half-Life has sent word that Half-Life turns 4 years old today. This game has changed the gaming world (every single modern FPS has some inspiration from HL for sure) and, more personally, my life. When I first got HL I was some dork who updated a Microsoft fansite. Now I'm some dork who updates a former Microsoft employee's company's product fansite.

    My life sucks. (Since no one will get the joke, the head honcho over at VALVe used to work at Microsoft).

  • #2
    yay 4 years


    • #3
      my life sux too man


      • #4
        we all know that rizzuh


        • #5
          Poor rizzuh. We should take up a collection for therapy for him...or we could just let him jump off a bridge. What say ye? Bridge!


          • #6
            Edited by [user="3425"] @ [time="1036881386"]

            rizzuh says...

            My life sucks.

            I got the VALVe/Microsoft tie in/joke.


            • #7
              don't worry Rizzuh, if it wasn't for CS we all would be losers.


              • #8
                i appreciate your existance rze. you've made me happier.


                • #9
                  a microsoft fan site?

                  never knew those existed rofl


                  • #10
                    you actually like microsoft?

                    Guess youre the one and only


                    • #11
                      This was before they released Windows ME.

                      It wasn't really a fansite as much as an "lol microsoft os tips here lol some news lol."


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="41266"] @ [time="1036882061"]

                        I never played HL itself. I started it once and got to the point where you have to do that experiment in that lab. There I got stuck between two console tables and couldn't move anymore. I had no patience to give noclip a try or to restart the game, so I quit. The next time I started HL.exe I had already added -console -game cstrike to the command line...

                        However, happy Birthday HL! For it's got a jolly good engine, for it's got a jolly good engine, for it's got a jolly good engiiiiiine ... that nobody can deny.


                        • #13
                          I'm starting a rizzuh fansite.

                          It's not going to be a fansite as much as a "he lives on 2886 Green terrace Washington D.C. goes to lincoln high school and here r some pictures i took of him updating his site lolo there from the bushes so thats for the pour quality"


                          • #14
                            Damn, and now I run a site based around a microsoft product...


                            • #15
                              It's OK, my first page was a load of crap from about games and java applets. All of my content was stolen from other websites. All the graphics were done by someone else. In actually, I think all I did was name the damn thing. Oh, and make it look ugly. However, there isn't any Internet lingo (lol) on there. I always hated that.

                              Wait, why am I telling you this?

