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SoGamed On Aiming Part 2

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  • #16
    by saying the 'If the top players in the world followed my methods they'd be better...' stuff he means that he's seen so many people aiming at the ground or somewhere else besides head height. and I really agree with that.....


    • #17
      mallow wrote..

      by saying the 'If the top players in the world followed my methods they'd be better...' stuff he means that he's seen so many people aiming at the ground or somewhere else besides head height. and I really agree with that.....
      Im sorry but I still dont get it. Surely the top players in the world are the ones who by average consistency rates are the most accurate game in, game out. Is this guy one of the top players in the world? Dont think so, Why not? Since obviously he folows his own techniques... I vote we should get Mr Michael Fang to tell us how he aims and what configs he runs.. Since he is obviously aproven marksman of great accuracy. Are theere any target range maps with actual targets that could perhaps be used to callibrate the efficiency of weapon firing? I saw a very good article thru here (I THINK) which was about the patterns formed from every weapon in cs from various ranges and various shooting methods.. jumpin/strafing etc.. )I found it very interesting although when i attempted to replicate the results I found I could not with any degree of accuracy. This may well be due to my config tweakin.. The problem is with no 'control' or benchmark testing, how are we to evaluate any of these methods? I dont think we can. Oh and by the way, does anyone have the default netcode settings/general conn sets etc in a cfg? Or (Excuse my n00bness) if I delete my tweaked ones frm my autoexec will they revert? I have a feeling that this wont happen and we will need to manually reeenter the origs:<


      • #18
        Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

        I really realy dont get it. My sensitivity is up in 16. summat. I never get headshots.. I always aim at neck/chest and hit 3 rounds in almost every encounter. Problem is the other guy has done the same thing but riddled my body with an ak, 3 hits 104 damage, my 3 hits a measley 88 damage. BAH!!

        I found it prety hard to read and somewhat 'aimless' (if you pardon the pun) in its construction. The guy comes across a bit weird, I mean, 'If the top players in the world followed my methods theyd be better...'(or words to that general effect) is a little strong. Having said this I will give it a try... I know my uber gfx card ahsnt helped my game any, neither has the extra RAM Ive bought.. Neither has the Incessant config tweakin.. Neither has the addition of countless cusotm skins models and packs, (In fact Im sure it ran the quickest on defaults!!:P) The one thing I truly believe has made me improve, (Im on a +1/1 ratio consistently now) is hours and hours of practice.. Thankfully we al know that cs is soo addictive we should be getting plenty of that!! Oh yeah, and the pks script pak, that has truly been a help to me..
        If you fire a shot with the AK when your one inch from him you'll do more damage then if you hit him from a 100feet distance. I remember there was a site that had this and other CS bugs exploited. I think it was called "CS Top secret" or something along those lines.


        • #19
          Obsidan wrote..

          If you fire a shot with the AK when your one inch from him you'll do more damage then if you hit him from a 100feet distance. I remember there was a site that had this and other CS bugs exploited. I think it was called "CS Top secret" or something along those lines.
          dont think thats top secret, I thought it was well known that the ak using rifles rounds strips armour and cains you up. Where as rthe MP5 using pussy 5.56 rounds and having a lower muzzle velocity would get stopped by armour. I wasnt questioning why, merely stating that, unfortunately it does.. happen. (The bloody cheap ak mo fos) Almost asbad as the expensice AWP hos!


          • #20

            and often top players do aim at the ground, to compensate for recoil


            • #21
              ya, the top players often miss there first 3 shots, thus creating recoil....get those toes and legs!


              • #22
                sogamed has turned to crap since it changed from geekboys imo. it always has lame things being talked about in the forums, is really slow to load, and the articles are not as good.

                demos are nice, and some gaming news is ok.

                that guy wrote waaaayyy to much unscientifically to really make that much of a difference. I dont see why it needs to be a 3 part mini series when it can all be said in one article.

                there are many more things to write on then lamo mouse sensitivity for 5 pages. hmm maybe i should just write an article myself and shut up. where do i send it riz?


                • #23
                  Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

                  Im sorry but I still dont get it. Surely the top players in the world are the ones who by average consistency rates are the most accurate game in, game out. Is this guy one of the top players in the world? Dont think so, Why not? Since obviously he folows his own techniques... I vote we should get Mr Michael Fang to tell us how he aims and what configs he runs.. Since he is obviously aproven marksman of great accuracy. Are theere any target range maps with actual targets that could perhaps be used to callibrate the efficiency of weapon firing? I saw a very good article thru here (I THINK) which was about the patterns formed from every weapon in cs from various ranges and various shooting methods.. jumpin/strafing etc.. )I found it very interesting although when i attempted to replicate the results I found I could not with any degree of accuracy. This may well be due to my config tweakin.. The problem is with no 'control' or benchmark testing, how are we to evaluate any of these methods? I dont think we can. Oh and by the way, does anyone have the default netcode settings/general conn sets etc in a cfg? Or (Excuse my n00bness) if I delete my tweaked ones frm my autoexec will they revert? I have a feeling that this wont happen and we will need to manually reeenter the origs:<
                  Knowing and walking the path are two different things. And the CS scene isn't all about skill, it is just as important as being at the right place and the right time and knowing the right people

                  I think that article you are talking about is on but my memory might be mistaking me.

                  Added @ [time="1037051966"]

                  that guy wrote waaaayyy to much unscientifically to really make that much of a difference. I dont see why it needs to be a 3 part mini series when it can all be said in one article.

                  there are many more things to write on then lamo mouse sensitivity for 5 pages. hmm maybe i should just write an article myself and shut up. where do i send it riz?
                  How do you want me to write scientifically on mouse sensitivity when it is dependend on so many things? Mouse drivers, usb drivers, windows version, direct x version, -noforcemparms, -noforcemaccel, -noforcemspd and many more things alter your sensitivity in CS. Everything which is scientifically examinable has been said already on I know there are many more things to write about CS, I decided to narrow it down to aiming. Explaining a bit about sensitivity and acceleration is required to understand why I have the opinion I have. But please, I do encourage you to make an article which has more of a scientifical basis and I am tired of all the people saying he is talking crap, I could do it better. Please do it better. Please send me an url to your article and I'll be there to give my opinion just like you did @ mine.

                  I made it as long as I made it, because I wanted to show why I have the opinion I have and let you have a snippet of my reasoning behind it. I think I could have made it shorter, but it is clearer now. And I can't understand how a native English speaker could find it difficult to read. Did I make that many errors?

                  Anyways, I am looking to revise my guide so please mail me if you could check my grammar and spelling, or if there is anything you feel I should include in a revised version.

                  I listen to what other people have to say, its not a one man thing it is a collection of my own insights and experiences and I'll gladly change if I am wrong.


                  • #24
                    I set my sensitivity to highest possible. Probably cuz my mousepad is covered in cum and I cant move my mouse more than an inch


                    • #25
                      Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

                      the MP5 using pussy 5.56 rounds and having a lower muzzle velocity would get stopped by armour.
                      MP5 uses 9mm (pistol) rounds. M4A1 uses 5.56mm (rifle) rounds, which easily rip through kevlar. Don't ask me why, but details always bug me when they're wrong.
                      lead_pipe wrote..


                      and often top players do aim at the ground, to compensate for recoil
                      In more specific, it's the CS Report on that site (so you don't have to navigate to it). This isn't the report that was covering damage differences over distance, and I'm not going to link to that site (the damage calculator) as it was very inaccurate.

                      Pulling down your crosshairs to comphensate for recoil typically only happens after you start shooting.
                      SolidVelvet wrote..

                      hmm maybe i should just write an article myself and shut up. where do i send it riz?
                      Just email rizzuh. If you can't be bothered to find the link to email him, then I'll assume that your submission is not worth reading.
                      DiGiTracker posted...

                      You aim exactly at the spaces they will pop up at ... and you aim at headheight there, and once they pop out you just track their head and push your button ... I think the best players could improve if they would do this...
                      I'd have to disagree with you here, not from a conceptual standpoint, but rather from an observational standpoint. Nearly all of the top players I have watched demos of indeed do aim at head height (either standing or crouching, depending on the situation) in situations where their gun will be accurate and enemies are near. So, walking, standing, or crouching, with enemies nearby, nearly all top players I have watched indeed aim right where the head of an enemy would be, should he appear.

                      However, when running between places, many tend to aim downward. Why is this? I'm not entirely sure of all the motivations, but I have some thoughts. While running, your recoil is much, much worse than when crouching, and so your bullets will very quickly rise. Aiming near their feet won't score you an instant headshot, but it will guarantee that your bullets hit, while aiming for their head and running is almost sure to miss, with all bullets going above your target.

                      So in my observation, whenever there's targets nearby, many top players do aim at head-height, unlike what we commonly see in pubs. Which means that while I agree that always aiming near head level is wise, I don't agree that most top players aren't utilizing this. I know that keeping my crosshairs up and ready was one of the things I learned to do over the past year, which definitely helped my response time.

                      As far as the rest of the article, well, I'd just have to say be able to move through every pixel of your view, and your sensitivity is low enough. Anything lower is simply wasting your motions and lowering your ability to track moving targets. Hopefully this guide will be useful to those with their sensitivites set in the 20's doing 720 degree turns over half an inch of space.


                      • #26
                        rizzuh wrote..

                        I thought it was useful. I'll be trying some of the stuff (esp from part 1).
                        I'm glad this guy wrote the article. Its long overdue for me as well...

                        I think nighthawk's idea about the hybrid sensitivity is a good idea too and I'll be trying that out. I must say that my awp_map performance has jumped with lower sensitivities... fy_iceworld performance, however, has suffered somewhat...



                        • #27
                          #24 I know the headheight and in 90% of the demos I have seen I can see that they don't estimate the headheight correctly. The only way to learn this is by tracking your teammates heads. This way you learn how high your crosshair should be at different distances.

                          And about the running thing: perhaps. What I preferably do is that when I look in a certain direction I put my crosshair there at headheight. This way if he does indeed pop out he is a goner


                          • #28
                            Digi, wasnt meaning to sound too critical, have to say your articlke ahs benffited me a lot, (Partially cos of the comments ive drawn from here too) Night hawk I salute you sir! The sensitivity toggle has improved my distance aiming hugely, and I stand corrected on the 9mm issue. Sorry shouodl have known that one myslef, crappy short term memory, wonder why :P

                            I am looking forward to see what you have to say in the next article dig!!

