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SoGamed On Aiming Part 2

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  • SoGamed On Aiming Part 2

    SoGamed has released the second part of a three part series on aiming in Counter-Strike. This part talks about mouse acceleration, Windows acceleration and aiming techniques. It is quite an interesting read, so click here to read it. Thanks FLeK0.

  • #2
    this guide blows ass


    • #3
      I thought it was useful. I'll be trying some of the stuff (esp from part 1).

      But as with most strategies, cynics in the community will just ignore it because of their ego. Meh.


      • #4
        I'll take all the hints I can get. I'll never be cal-m, cal-i, cal-anything, but I can get better with hints and tips.


        • #5
          Magi you're number 1 in my heart :-D


          • #6
            SoGamed looks kinda...i dunno the word....super mario era-y? the site looks old...


            • #7
              The guide is great, I've taught myself everything in it so far about a year ago.. I wish this guide came out sooner lol so I didn't have to go through all of the trial and error. The only thing I don't agree with is the sensitivity. I honestly believe that you should choose the sensitivity that best suits you, despite his reasons, because I think it's just a matter of opinion. I personally have a Razer Boomslang 2000DPI, so it's wayyyyy more accurate at higher sensitivities, and doesn't skip any pixels, so after getting used to a high sensitivity my aiming improved alot.


              • #8
                My guide to aiming.

                Point and Shoot.

                Bang they die.


                • #9
                  rizzuh wrote..

                  I thought it was useful. I'll be trying some of the stuff (esp from part 1).

                  But as with most strategies, cynics in the community will just ignore it because of their ego. Meh.
                  what stuff. maybe i missed something?

                  and for being such an old hat at this game, i would have figured you have tried everything rizzuh


                  • #10
                    LeRaldo wrote..

                    Magi you're number 1 in my heart :-D
                    and last on the scoreboard


                    • #11
                      Intresting read, some of the stuff he writes about ive never really thought about before. Looking forward to part3


                      • #12
                        after all that i find out that i do the opposite of every friggin thing the guide tells you to do...DURRRR


                        • #13
                          Aiming is hard. LOL


                          • #14
                            tl, dr. I'll summarize in 10 words or less.

                            aim at head.

                            lol J/k!

                            Nice read; i lowered my sen down to 1.5 and I'm getting use to this madness.


                            • #15
                              I really realy dont get it. My sensitivity is up in 16. summat. I never get headshots.. I always aim at neck/chest and hit 3 rounds in almost every encounter. Problem is the other guy has done the same thing but riddled my body with an ak, 3 hits 104 damage, my 3 hits a measley 88 damage. BAH!!

                              I found it prety hard to read and somewhat 'aimless' (if you pardon the pun) in its construction. The guy comes across a bit weird, I mean, 'If the top players in the world followed my methods theyd be better...'(or words to that general effect) is a little strong. Having said this I will give it a try... I know my uber gfx card ahsnt helped my game any, neither has the extra RAM Ive bought.. Neither has the Incessant config tweakin.. Neither has the addition of countless cusotm skins models and packs, (In fact Im sure it ran the quickest on defaults!!:P) The one thing I truly believe has made me improve, (Im on a +1/1 ratio consistently now) is hours and hours of practice.. Thankfully we al know that cs is soo addictive we should be getting plenty of that!! Oh yeah, and the pks script pak, that has truly been a help to me..

