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mailbag: social lives

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  • CRiZO, im a 10th grader, (would be 11 had i not failed a year

    and why the hell would i look back someday and think that my life sucked? I am voted athlete of the year at my school, been athlete of the month for 4 months, have a g.f that i love and she loves me, and i have a good allowance. Im probably the fittest 16 year old you'll ever meet. So whats to suck about my life?


    • yo guys i was just reading some of the worst moment times on csnation, and some guys would rather be playing cs, then going out with their gf's, i mean whats the point of getting a gf when you can be bothered to go out with them because your playing cs, remember guys cs is just a game, there is a world outside of it!


      • super sayan goku is right! i mean, my favorite shoot em up is Quake III, counter-strike is just a side-dish. Remember, u can only have fun with counter-strike for a few years. Girlfriends are fun for alot longer than that.


        • Cool, someone actually agree's with me =) Thanks Shoomakan


          • Edited by [user="27889"] @ [time="1039482196"]

            U guys r right. Both goku and Soomaken. but gf's r hard to come by, CS is only 30 bucks.....


            • exactly

              women hate me,all of them,for god knows why,so im gonna stick with CS


              • Not bad... if it was fixed.

                First off, the modelling. There's really nothing wrong with it. There is the aforementioned small smoothing error, but I didn't notice it at all in-game, only in JHLMV. The silencer feels too big (pretty much the same size as the gun itself - not good when the gun is big for a handgun anyway), and while it's not hard to re-scale it, it's a bit annoying. It's 3372 polies - not much and most PCs should be able to handle that, though I think it's a bit surprising anyway, the model doesn't look more then 2000 or so polies. Other then that, can't fault the modelling much.

                The skin is a different matter. It's pretty nasty. I often see skins that could have been good but sucked because there wasn't enough contrast - this is the opposite. I see that the idea was to be 'chrome' and shiney, but this is a litle bit OTT. The reflections and reverse reflections are all very exact, solid, and the highlights are so bright the gun looks like it's just white, not chrome/silver. I don't think I've ever said this before but this skin needs to be less contrasting. The problem has spilled onto the silencer too - metallic silencers aren't anything new, but this one is even 'shinier' then the main gun is. Silencers are used for stealth; to make you less noticable. A silencer would be pretty useless if it reflected every ounce of light around it like this one does. Again, less contrast is needed. it would look okay in a slightly futuristic John Woo film maybe, but in CS, it really doesn't fit. Maybe convert it to be in The Specialists mod instead. Not much else to comment on with the skin. It's over-contrasted (a first), and that's pretty much it. There's nothing else wrong nor right with it - fairly standard stuff.

                Animations are USP defaults, so nowt wrong there. Out of all the pistol animations I've seen, the default USP animations are my favourite bar possibly Strykerwolf's Deagle animations. We've all seen 'em, they're decent, 'nuff said.

                The origins are a problem for me - I hate origins which aren't 'default' - and these origins are rather odd. They're not fully centred yet not 'normal' either. They also hide about half of the gun from you and make the silencer look even bigger then it does normally (compensating?). The gun is also positioned a fair way out in front of you which looks odd, not used to seeing half the guys' arm when it comes to handgun models.

                Overall, nice model, bad skin, and annoying origins that drag it down some more.

                If you love the Hitman games, you may want to give this a go. Otherwise, stay clear ot it until it get's a decent re-skin. Shame, the model itself has a lot of potential.


                • I like the Hitman games, and the large assortment of weapons you get. My favorite, like a lot of people, is probably the Hardballers (Silverballers). The real charm though was that there were 2 of them so you could go all "John Woo-ish". Kinda makes me wish this was made for the dualies, albeit the power wouldn't match the model lol. Ok, now that the blurb is out of the way on to the review.
                    » Model: It is an almost perfect replication of the Silverballer from Hitman 2. If this was 1999 or something I might care about the polys, but it's not so I don't. The silencer does seem large, but only when I compare it to what I would normally see in the average model replacement. When I look back at Hitman 2 (what the modeler was obviously going for) it looks perfect.

                    » Skin: Pretty decent skin. The skin seems to be based more on the older Hitman 2 skin, rather than the newer, improved, Hitman 3 skin. So its dated. However, the important parts (to me at least) are there. The markings that make the "personality" of the weapon. The Hitman logo, the READABLE(unlike many) slide writings including the manufacturer, caliber, features, and even the serial number. I get really happy about those kind of things. The chrome effect on the gun and silencer does seem off, probably from an attempt to give the skin somewhat of a face-lift, or add to the coolness factor.

                    » Animations: Default, you know.

                    » Sounds: Pretty sweet, makes it feel pretty powerful in-game even when silenced. I might even use them for another model.


                  • I've never heard of a gun named the Hardballer in real life, but this is still one very cool replacement.

                    I think the model is very good, with only one problem I could notice, and that being the size differences in the PW models and the V model. The P and W models are a bit longer than the V model looks in game, but since I for one don't spend too much time looking at pee wee's in game, it definitely isn't something to rant about.

                    The skins are, in one word, beautiful. The look nice, smooth, and shiny in game, so much that if it were real and not on my monitor i'd probably try licking it. It definitely looks like a brand new gun, or at least one that's been taken care of, which really turns me on. I tried tuning the colour balance in Photoshop, and was able to make a nice gold skin that I love. The only thing I don't like about the skin is the silencer. Its pure silver, which is not what I like. I don't see how they could have done it any differently though, because the whole skin is supposed to make the gun look like a silver masterpiece, and a tactical black silencer would have killed it. So I'm not going to argue.

                    I think this model should be for the Deagle instead of USP. But we already have one for the Deagle you say? Well, it doesn't have this great skin! I personally hacked it a bit, deleted the add/remove silencer animations, put on CZ arms and Deagle animations. Its just great, I cant sum it up any other way. Without editing the model or skin at all, the only problem I could find is that arm skin is orange.

                    So download this one NOW. You will not be disappointed unless you like something uber realistic that only a CT would use. Unless you're a stylin' CT like me.


                    • naw....

                      (O look, a non-450 page review of a grade-a model on covered by a grade-b skin) ^.^ Model IS nice tho!


                      • Seems a little small to me.. It doesn't look like it does the damage that it does.. Looks like its for rabbit hunting.. Still nice

