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mailbag: social lives

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  • couldn't find posom in my favourite online dictionary, so I suppose this is a synonyme for opossum?


    • Actually it was a really bad typo, what i ment was possum, not posom.


      • oh ok


        • 0m3g4 wrote..

          Halo isent the only thing that x-box has going for it...

          It will eventually have halo 2...
          Thats the funniest thing I have ever read.

          BTW Opossum is how you spell it, the 'O' is just silent.


          • Ah-ha, didn't know that either. I want to say I just love the comment pages for their ...uhm... "educative" aspects...


            • Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

              I wish you realised that you had decended several lines below that line...
              there is no line below the bottom line, for the bottom line is indeed, the bottom line.


              • garry, that is deep


                • Full stop doode.


                  • wewewewewe....


                    • What is wrong with these people. Every letter mentioned that they had no friends or their friends were people they didn't meet in real life and play CS with. (majority of the letters anyway). Turn off the computer, go to the mall or the movies and meet some people. Then maybe you won't be so lonely. If you don't know how to spark a conversation with someone, find a book or webpage or psychologist or something. I mean shit you want people to feel sorry for you or something? I'm sure when someone's like "Hi i have no friends and no life and counter strike is the best thing that happened to me" people are pissing their pants and squirtin milk out their noses.

                      BTW nice cat. Props for naming it after a TMNT character


                      • philmcneal wrote..

                        kitty > dogs
                        true true


                        • [BH]NuclearTeddyBear wrote..

                          Sober.. I really hope your entire post was a joke.

                          I think it's funny how people who don't frequen the site think that the mailbag is like something that is only available to people who submit resumes or something.

                          OMFG LAFF

                          hAHAHA n00BS!!!1111!!
                          U stink!!!!

                          I come to this site, every day for the past 7 years!! I bet thats more than you!!! You fucking bitch, the only reason u say that is cos u were in a mailbag b4. Is [BH] your clan tag? Cos thats my fucking clan tag you fucker! Ok i am deeply sorry, i love you! I just get angry with some things. Some1 deleted my post aswell , Puffycloud you have a new enemy! >:|

                          Added @ [time="1037136844"]



                          Haha puffycloud I'm gonna kill j00!!!!!


                          • tsk tsk tsk...sober's got some mood pregnant or is it just pms? lol JK

                            to those who like opossums: YOUR MOM IS A OPOSSOM (SILENT O)


                            • I dunno about you, but i meet my friends in real life, and then play cs with them.

                              /me has a social life that revolves around computer games and playing on a lan with friends


                              • I have a social life that revolves around playing on your mom with friends

                                your mom is a possum

