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review: mx500

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  • review: mx500

    After dusting butter cookie crumbs off of my pale and horrid face, I decided that December would be the best time to review Logitech's MX500 mouse. The mouse uses brand-new optical mousing technology that, uh, makes more good things happen. But is the goodness good enough to merit an upgrade from a good mouse? Goody Putnam, I beg you to answer this question:
    The MX500 follows Logitech's basic scheme of the Mouseman Dual Optical. The colors and shape are very similar. However, although they look similar, the mice are very different.

    The biggest, most obvious change, is the addition of various new buttons. Above and below the mousewheel are two "up" and "down" arrows that basically simulate what the up and down functions of the mousewheel do. By the way, the mousewheel itself can once again act as a button when depressed; that's always a good thing. There is little "window" button under the down button that acts as a little mini-alt-tab when you have the MouseMan drivers installed. Without the drivers installed, the button does nothing at all.
    Well context be damned! Click here for the rest of the review. Logitech also made a wireless version of this mouse called the MX700. As a coincidence, CSCentral reviewed that mouse yesterday.

  • #2
    Didn't the mx700 just come up, and is below?

    What about the cheat button under the right top left y axis side?


    • #3
      Nice mouse - very nice mouse.

      One problem.

      Here in the UK, it's £37.99 (just under 60 bucks) on Amazon.

      Almost as much a rip off as our petrol prices (about $4.50 a gallon).


      • #4
        Ew wireless. But a good choice of sides for your mousepad. I approve. Of either, really. As long as they are cleaned regularly. Speaking of which, I think my mouse needs cleaned too, since it stuck to my hand while trying to remove said hand in order to type. Of course, that may have something to do with the eleven empty cans of Dew on my desk. Mysteries, eh?

        taffer wrote..

        Almost as much a rip off as our petrol prices (about $4.50 a gallon).
        Hey maybe if you started calling it GASOLINE like everyone else then they wouldn't get confused and send you the more expensive stuff!

        On the other hand, you could always move to Iceland, where they pay $4 a litre. You have it pretty bad but not as bad as you could.


        • #5
          been a while since csn reviewed hardware, but this was one of the best. one of the problems people have been having with it is that their hands were too big, but thats hardly a negative side to a mouse.


          • #6
            Hehe it's not actually that expensive.

            It's just our government taxes the fuel, AND imposes Duty to be paid too. This accounts for 60% of the cost of our petrol/diesel.

            I wouldn't mind if all this money went into improving our way of life (by giving us all Logitech MX 500s maybe), but it isn't. It's mainly being used to prop up a shoddy and outdated Health Service, but that's another issue entirely..................


            • #7

              mayb im not as rich as rizz... (buying mice every 6 mths..)

              seems like my microsoft blue optical is doin quite the same 'cept mayb it sumtimes causes the crosshair to go haywire facing the sky...(only happens to my bro n my cuzz...)


              • #8
                Wireless mice are pretty interesting for the first ten minutes after discovering their "anywhere" capabilities. I personally wouldn't buy a wireless input device for the basic fact that they are flimsy. How many times has your TV remote been broken?? Personally, I'm sticking with wired mice. The mx500, however, is not flimsy at all. I recently tried it out at the local Best Buy and I was pretty impressed with its precision on-screen and its physical feel. Does anyone have the Microsoft Intellimouse Optical? How does it measure up to the mx500?


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="3327"] @ [time="1039804900"]

                  Looks like rizzuh just read "The Crucible"...

                  And for the record, I'm happy with my Logitech iFeel Mouse. And I even have the original intellimouse explorer (5 button) as an extra!

                  Also, I have that func mouse pad. (I LOVE IT! It came with my alienware pc.) I'd recommend turning it over so that the grainy side is down. I found optical mice work better on smooth surfaces. Also, after a lot of use on the pads on the bottom, the glue will come undone and maybe one will fall off. When that happens they all have to go lest you want an uneven mouse.


                  • #10
                    i wanna get a 300 dont like the fancy no button buttons


                    • #11
                      the thumb buttons are way too high... if i didnt have a dual optical right now, i might've picked up a mx700, i hear the wireless part isnt shitty and nonresponsive like most other wireless mice...


                      • #12
                        wasnt the mx500 identical to the mx700 but it was corded?

                        I currently have a dual optical and I am really satisfied of it


                        • #13
                          Maybe I should get a wireless mouse so my son-of-a bitch cat cant chew on the wire and get himself wrapped up in it further pushing my brink of insanity. Right now I have a cheap hp ball mouse. I have bought a selection of optical mice but I just dont like how they feel compared to a ball mouse. I would like to give the Razor boomslang a try but the price of it is far too much.


                          • #14
                            I like my trackball.


                            • #15
                              i love my boomslang i use it for matchs only, sits in it's sexy tin can on my desk. awesome to show off to the friends "Hey check out my 70 dollar mouse"

