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FPSStrat v1.2

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  • #16
    no, xp doesent come with it.. at least mine doesent and the package is 21mb


    • #17
      alex.S wrote..

      no, xp doesent come with it.. at least mine doesent and the package is 21mb
      I think he was referring to the Visual Basic runtimes. Windows XP doesn't come with the .NET framework pre-installed.


      • #18
        MikeJ wrote..

        What's the big deal, chances are you'll have to download the .NET framework eventually.
        I never have, nor do I think I ever will.
        I think the next version of windows will come with it. And VB needs a fat 2MB runtime package so i don't know what you'r on about dice. win2k and XP come with the package though, but anyone on 9.x had to download it like *gasp* you have to download .NET. Not to mention all the OCX activeX controls you have to distribute with the over bloated extra slow programs.
        Uh...I have XP. programs were mostly word association games and a funny little game where a button would move to random spots on the form and you had to click it. Wow, we must have spent a few hours playing that...and after about a week, my friend who was playing an edited version of my game found out that I had added a little mouseover sub that would make the button warp away if you put your mouse on it. Funny, I offered a dollar if he could click it...


        • #19
          stratz are for nubs

          stratz creatorz are pro'z with nub disorder


          • #20
            whyz must you use z's instead of s'

            itz mighty annoying


            • #21
              whyz muzt you uze z's inztead of s'

              itz mighty annoying


              as for darkhorse: probably all clans are full of noobs then?


              • #22
                Im happy you like the software though

                The main reason for me developing FPSStrat using the .NET framework was self-education. The best way to learn a new technology is to create a real, mid-size project using it.

                I work as a software designer and use mfc and so on all day long and really wanted to learn something new

                Thanx for using my software,

                [zOrg] E.Jean-Baptiste


                • #23
                  sniv wrote..

                  as for darkhorse: probably all clans are full of noobs then?


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      The main reason for me developing FPSStrat using the .NET framework was self-education.
                      Figured as much. I haven't gotten around to downloading the .NET framework myself, but eventually will probably have to. AFTER I reformat this sucker again, though. My only problem is, I tend to hate platform independant stuff like Java. Java is the language from hell. Well, from Sun, but the sun is hot, and so is hell, so the analogy still holds true.

                      C# looks to be more interesting than Java, though, in terms of what can be done with it. Until I mess with it, I really won't know, but I somehow lack the motivation to go for it.

                      Anyway, I can't really offer feedback on the program, as I obviously don't have the .NET framework installed, but we'll ignore that fact, and I'll claim that you did a great job creating this program.


                      • #26

                        I have one thing to say

                        Beware the Ides of March


