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FPSStrat v1.2

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  • FPSStrat v1.2

    Clan zOrg has updated FPSStrat to version 1.2. FPSStrat is a windows-based program which enables users to create strategies for Counter-Strike maps. Here's the changelog:
    • added comment feature for scenarios/timeframes/objects

    • added shortcut for renaming objects

    • new example file

    • more maps provided in release

    • icons size can be changed between small and normal
    So, if your looking for a strategy program for CS, try out FPSStrat.

  • #2
    where the hell do i download it


    • #3

      Ok, I re-linked the post.


      • #4


        • #5
          ty coaxial.. i think my opera browser couldnt see the dl link :\

          Added @ [time="1041706467"]

          ok, the zip file is messed up.. i downloaded it twice and it wont open


          • #6
            The zip-file is correct and verified!

            If you need help with FPSStrat plz visit #zorg @ quakenet and ask any OP!


            [zOrg] E.Jean-Baptiste


            • #7
              it's annoying you have to d/l the microsoft thingy. Otherwise, really a great program, much better then satstrat.

              greaat program.




              • #8
                the backup zip worked, but no way i'm going to install the .net framework... its too bad, i could have really use this program :\


                • #9
                  Yeah, .NET is going to be a failure anyway, and having to download a total of 25MB for what should be a small, simple program is simply ridiculous. I might try it out some time if I have time to kill installing the .NET framework and the program itself.

                  Even VB, with all its many shortcomings doesn't have a 20MB runtime package.


                  • #10
                    What shortcomings? VB doesn't have shortcomings! I live and die by dimming variables. None of the programs I ever made with VB ever required a runtime package, but then again, all of my programs were tutorial programs, and all of them made in less than fifteen

                    Actually, all its shortcomings are made up by the fact that it's really simple to learn, even for someone like me.


                    • #11
                      .NET isn't a language like VB. FPSStrat is coded 100% in C# that is a great language.

                      .NET-Framework is a runtime enviroment that ensures garbage-collection and safety!

                      .NET framework is aviable for several operating systems and not only windows!


                      • #12
                        try to make FPSStrat without using .NET framework


                        • #13
                          I agree; try making it again without the .NET framework. Honestly, why do you need it? Or are you just astroturfing for Microsloth?

                          She's a witch!


                          • #14
                            What's the big deal, chances are you'll have to download the .NET framework eventually. I think the next version of windows will come with it. And VB needs a fat 2MB runtime package so i don't know what you'r on about dice. win2k and XP come with the package though, but anyone on 9.x had to download it like *gasp* you have to download .NET. Not to mention all the OCX activeX controls you have to distribute with the over bloated extra slow programs.


                            • #15
                              Edited by [user="9714"] @ [time="1041725898"]

                              Perhaps I did not clearly state my opinion in my first reply:

                              My point is just that there is no need to write the program using the .NET architecture and C#. A plain old program using MFC could produce the same program easily while requiring a much smaller download.

                              I'm not saying .NET and C# are bad; they have their good (and bad) points. I'm just suggesting that a lot of users will simply be turned off by the large download size if they do not already have the .NET framework installed.

                              Oh, and by the way, I wasn't claiming that .NET was a language like VB. I was simply noting that in order to run a program written using VB you have to have the runtimes; similarly you have to have the .NET framework to run programs that take advantage of it.

                              And one more thing, I downloaded the program and it is very nice. I don't want you to think the current discussion has skewed my opinion of the program itself.

