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HL Script Maker

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  • #16
    congrats to otf'r of the year ^

    scripts are for nubs with fingers slower than thier nub leik brainz


    • #17
      makeing scripts in a second takes the fun out of scripting


      • #18
        Darkhorse wrote..

        scripts are for nubs with fingers slower than thier nub leik brainz
        no strats, no scripts... you must be the only pro around here aren't you?

        let's make a race to see who can buy

        a kevlar+ak(or m4)+USP(or DE) with full ammo

        the fastest. Scripts or scriptless.

        you'd see it's not only the seed of your fingers.


        • #19
          NuclearTeddyBear wrote..

          I've never seen the point in scripts.. at least for buying weapons. If I have a decent connection, I can buy whatever I need in about 2 seconds..
          Here's the problem. I play on a few pubs. Some of these pubs that I frequent have buytimes ranging from 0-1 seconds. Standing in the same spot for 2 seconds at the beginning of a round can determine the success or failure of a rush on some maps.

          I was also very fast at buying weapons before I had scripts, and was usually well under 2 seconds (on LAN, so no notable delay). Thing is... I used my left hand to buy things, with my right hand on the mouse. My running keys are the normal WASD pattern. So, I couldn't really run and buy at the same time, because I was using my thumb for B and my other fingers for the numbers.

          Right now, I have my buy script set up to use the number keypad for buying my most common weapons/equipment. I can hold down W (or whatever key to run the right direction) at the beginning of the round, starting my rush, and use my right hand to buy my weapons with a keystroke or two. I'll be within the buy zone for at least 1.5 seconds usually, and that's plenty of time to buy with scripts while still running.

          If you're in the CAL, it really doesn't matter, like MikeJ pointed out. However, for those of us who enjoy the "play whenever for however long with no requirements" type of play that pubs allow, buy scripts are rather necessary to stay at the same level as everyone else and rush to a location as fast as possible.


          • #20
            -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

            Yes, it's so much better to script by hand in notepad. Just like it's so much better to design your entire website by hand in notepad, because automatic generators are for wimps, right?
            I was so pissed off when i found out i could make web pages in Frontpage. I spent months teaching myself HTML for nothing. bah

            (that was 5 years ago)


            • #21
              sniv wrote..

              no strats, no scripts... you must be the only pro around here aren't you?


              • #22
                are you proud of your wonderful joke that was so funny I ... I pity you.

