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mailbag: new vars

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  • mailbag: new vars

    We have a new mailbag up, just in time in to keep the mobs at bay. This week's topic involves adding new server or client variables to Counter-Strike. Here's a suggestion from the next Will Wright:
    from: MrBoji

    Id make a lot of server variables. Id make every player able to disguise themselves as the other team, like the spy does in TFC. That would make for some interesting gameplay. Also i would give clients the option to turn their knife into a lightsaber. I think more people would use that instead of a regular gun. And I would give the hostages the ability to fight back. So now whenever the terrorists try to interrogate the scientists, they dont give in easily but instead start attacking the terrorists. Of course I would make the penalty for killing a hostage immediate death.
    Check out the rest of the suggestions here. You'll be enlightened.

  • #2
    Edited by [user="2897"] @ [time="1041809618"]

    finally im in a mailbag and i was part of the select few that werent made fun of by rze


    • #3

      SV_ALLTALK 1


      btw, nice haircut you gave Scout.....that's right, I saw it first, bow down.


      • #4
        Some of the guys in the mailbag r so stupid.... it'z a good mailbag tho'...


        • #5
          Heh, two great lines from responses come out of that mailbag. Also only two typos. Hurrah. I don't know if Counter-Strike was intentionally spelled wrong at the intro though. Also
          We could shoot people, but why have fun when we can just type "yes" and pay the random and then have the round end?


          • #6
            Oh yeah, great mailbag, let's get the rhythm back eh?


            • #7
              Great Mailbag


              • #8
                awps > you.


                • #9
                  If you have ever happen to find a server where sv_alltalk = 1, you better grab a knife, pencil, pen, or other sharp object to stab into your ears repeatedly.

                  I think that the next logical step for the awp is to make an arm shot cause the same amount damage as a leg shot. But then again, I have no idea what would or would not balance the awp, if it isn't balanced already.

                  Good mailbag by the way.


                  • #10
                    Oh yeah, I nearly forgot.
                    CS rounds last for 5 minutes, I don't think that's proper time to infiltrate and deceive.
                    I don't know about you but I play on a 24/7 piranesi server with 15 minute round times. It goes for an hour before reloading the map so we normally only get in a few rounds because the CT's camp it out. IT'S SO TENSE. Sitting there with your pistol for the first 15, you mp5 for the second, a colt/ak for the time after that, and for the last 15 minutes someone might even have an awp if they bought nothing.


                    • #11
                      LMAO i laughed quite a bit in this one. Looks as if rizzuh has stolen my clever pants.


                      • #12
                        -Gpig wrote..

                        I don't know about you but I play on a 24/7 piranesi server with 15 minute round times. It goes for an hour before reloading the map so we normally only get in a few rounds because the CT's camp it out. IT'S SO TENSE. Sitting there with your pistol for the first 15, you mp5 for the second, a colt/ak for the time after that, and for the last 15 minutes someone might even have an awp if they bought nothing.


                        • #13
                          Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1041809774"]

                          Sorry we uploaded the wrong version, typos should be gone.


                          • #14
                            Everyone else liked it, so obviously it was crap rizzuh, though i did appreciate the picture of scout.


                            • #15
                              Wow, for once a mailbag that I enjoyed.

                              All cuz scout was in it

