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mailbag: camping

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  • i like ur cat, rizzuh jizzuh!


    • I understand dat AWP is part of game but c'mon use the fucking scout. it takes skill or G3/Sg1 the best fucking sniper rifle in the game and the most unused, when i use it i am called a hacked and that I am a pussy so shows u how good it is.


      • wow, rze's cat is cute


        • mouth wrote..

          Here's a little hint about the scout for those that don't seem to get it:

          It might require more skill to use, but first and foremost, the thing that makes it harder to get a kill with is that it sucks as a weapon.
          Pshshhs, opinion! Just because you don't know how to use a weapon, doesn't make it a crappy gun. Especially the scout, a gun that can take over 50% of a person's hp in one shot. I prefer the scout over the awp, because of the speed. Speed > Power. Probably the same reason I prefer the USP over Deagle in the first round.

          Anyways, my point = scout isn't a bad gun, just have to know how to use it. There's a much bigger tactical aspect to the scout vs. the awp as well.


          • Camping roxorz... ive been called an L337 camper more times than i can remember... and the reasons? coz ppl get pissed when they die from campers... simple as that... camping is such a tactical advantage... and the best way to do it is with a wussy gun like the Mac10... that gun rulz at spray n pray... its just part of the game... if u get killed by a camper, get over it and wait for the next round...


            • The point is that if you don't play exactly like me, you are incorrect and should change.



              • Edited by [user="56126"] @ [time="1031535443"]

                Milpool wrote..

                Yeah, well in real life if I shot someone in the leg with an awm, it would not be fatal, but hey - Counter-Strike is a game!

                Shocking, no?
                Actually if you shot someone in the leg with an AWM in real life, it would rip apart their entire body. Note: AWM is an anti-tank weapon, if you hit someone's personal space with it, they'd get winded.


                • OFF TOPIC: Ya ever wonder why the c-4 doesn't blow up when ya shoot at it?


                  • In dust as CT. Rush to double doors. Crouch in corner on the left of, and in front of doors. P90 the T's as they exit hallway right past you. This isn't exactly camping, as you only have a moment to get situated, but it's a riot, the T's get PISSED! EFF EM!

