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vesslan AWP guide

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  • #16
    oh what a jerk, was playing on this aim map on server that i had 200 ping.. was pretty sure it was a euro server but besides that he was on and he would not speak to me, but he did knife and flashlight me back

    btw what clan is he in now, anyone know?


    • #17
      Why is it so many guides to use the easyest weapon in CS , the AWM?

      Use the other guns that gives you a challenge , like MP5 , M4 , AK , AUG etc.

      Pointing and clicking is best in Monkey Island.


      • #18
        LOG wrote..

        Why is it so many guides to use the easyest weapon in CS , the AWM?

        Use the other guns that gives you a challenge , like MP5 , M4 , AK , AUG etc.

        Pointing and clicking is best in Monkey Island.
        You obviously havent tried awping people who are actually good at the game, then you'd know why people write guids for the awp.


        • #19
          Edited by [user="29080"] @ [time="1042342648"]

          rizzuh wrote..

          You know, you probably really suck at Counter-Strike but always post stupid things like this.
          What? I'm not saying I'm any better, or good for that matter, I'm merely stating people pick up on these types of things when they've played for a while.

          Don't go insulting me for no good reason =\


          • #20
            AWM is not exactly the hardest gun to use anyways. I'm on dialup and i can own anyone with the awm, well only if my ping stays below 400, over 400 i start playing bad.

            So what if he's a CPL winner, there are many people that are better then him.


            • #21
              d.a.| raw wrote..

              ...and i can own anyone with the awm
              Aren't we cocky today.


              • #22
                lmao d.a.| raw, with your lag, anyone is lucky to kill you.


                • #23
                  abel wrote..

                  btw what clan is he in now, anyone know?
                  vesslan is in eoL now. Which I feel will win the next CPL . Pretty strong lineup and played well at winter CPL.


                  • #24
                    LOG wrote..

                    Why is it so many guides to use the easyest weapon in CS , the AWM?

                    Use the other guns that gives you a challenge , like MP5 , M4 , AK , AUG etc.

                    Pointing and clicking is best in Monkey Island.
                    I'd actually think AWP is one of the hardest weapons. Well, apart from those weapons no-one uses such as the duals. Remember, we're not on Monkey Island.


                    • #25
                      My guide to AWM , made easy:

                      Point reticle att person , push button .

                      End of guide.

                      I have played CS for 2 years now , and i hit almost everytime with the AWM , so i think the weapon i boring , and it's to easy to kill with.


                      • #26
                        then you must be playing on the wrong server


                        • #27
                          Edited by [user="3425"] @ [time="1042398376"]

                          Simplex wrote..

                          I agree that sensitivity should be UP, and not down. It requires less movement on your part. I also think that you should have a high resolution when you play. I'd rather have smaller guys and a wider view than bigger guys but not being able to see all of them.
                          Your way off on this one. The models do not differ in size between the resolutions, nor can you see more with a higher resolution (except when xooming, a smaller res allows you to see more). DomainOfGames did a comparison of this maybe 6 months ago. I'm sure someone can dig it up for you. I'll try.

                          Added @ [time="1042398547"]


                          Here it is.


                          • #28
                            dRage/skufft wrote..

                            Your way off on this one. The models do not differ in size between the resolutions, nor can you see more with a higher resolution (except when xooming, a smaller res allows you to see more). DomainOfGames did a comparison of this maybe 6 months ago. I'm sure someone can dig it up for you. I'll try.


                            Here it is.
                            You know, I remember reading this, and I remember being floored by the results. I just didn't want to remember it. It doesn't make much sence to me, but the results don't lie. However, the scope problem (where you see less at higher resolutions) is a bug (I'm pretty sure).

                            But thanks for kicking my ass old skool. You are right!


                            • #29
                              Simplex wrote..

                              You know, I remember reading this, and I remember being floored by the results. I just didn't want to remember it. It doesn't make much sence to me, but the results don't lie. However, the scope problem (where you see less at higher resolutions) is a bug (I'm pretty sure).

                              But thanks for kicking my ass old skool. You are right!
                              eh, if you wanted to be cheap you could always make a small bind to set hud_draw to 0 (which gets rid of well.. you guess it, the HUD! [the includes the blacked out portion, money, text, kills at the top right, radar, bullets in gun, crosshair (ONLY FOR REGULAR GUNS, ZOOMED IN UNAFFEcTED)]) but i doubt anyone would go to such lengths. i must admit, though, for a while the game felt very real when i played with it off (didnt snipe since it was useless without radar) and i suprised myself at how easily i could find the center of my screen without a crosshair


                              • #30
                                Or you can replace the hud files with smaller images.

