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Randy Pitchford I'view

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  • #16
    actually i hear microsoft was developing an OS based on some sort of linux, or is working on an open source OS similar to linux. dunno any details, might be a rumor, who knows.


    • #17
      ukHazard wrote..

      Yep, you can bet Microsoft used Linux for the X-box.

      I said something similar when I heard that the first time. I just bet MS is cheap enough to do so hoping nobody would notice. And it makes sense. Maybe reducing a Linux version to "fit into an XBox" is way easier than starting from scratch or trying to abuse NT/W2K.


      • #18


        • #19
          After seeing the semi-relaistic GearBox models for CS, which are a slight improvement on the current ones and then seeing those models totally abandoned by Ritual...why don't they just release them to the public? I'd like to try a gray camo Spetznaz or perhaps as leather jacket/shade sporting Triad terrorist.


          • #20
            If I recall correctly, the XBOX is running a modified version of Windows CE. Why the heck would they use linux? For that matter, why would MS ever go for open source stuff? Running linux software, I can imagine, and even incorporating some of the technologies, but that is a far cry from actually making something open source. MS makes money, that's why they're in business.

            Ah well, Randy Pitchford doesn't tend to give the greatest details in his interviews, but who knows. Maybe he just doesn't know much about it, but has prepared answers instead, or perhaps he simply can't give out details.
            but my understanding is that the content developed at Gearbox and the code that's driving it will be utilized.
            Here's a typical example. Not long ago, we found out that ritual was mostly starting from scratch. Obviously we've seen a lot of Gearbox content that will not be used by Ritual. It would be nice to see a few things detailed out, such as "yeah, we're not using their models, but we're using some of the new code for (blah) effects" or whatever, but again, PR is PR, not coders.

            I remain skeptical about the future of CS:CZ, but like always, only the final product will determine whether it was a success or not.


            • #21


              • #22
                I found this on
                The Xbox is a gaming console by Microsoft. It consists of very powerful IBM-PC-based hardware, runs a stripped-down version of the Windows 2000 kernel and, for anti-piracy reasons, allows only games to run.


                • #23
                  thanks for the above info, cmdrflesh. well it sounds like a possibility that another windows based OS could be loaded. is the kernel stored on the hard-drive like a PC or is it in a BIOS chip or something like that? my friend wants a $100 bucks for his. i want to play mad scientist with it.

