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Randy Pitchford I'view

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  • Randy Pitchford I'view

    really big interview, really really big i got a headache just looking at me...

  • #2
    147 licks. It depends.


    • #3
      lol captain, did you sit there for a half and hour and eat a tootsie roll pop just to count your licks?? lol


      • #4
        randy pitchford is a homosexual


        • #5
          Is this interview worth reading, or is the same junk over and over again?


          • #6
            =) yah, it was on a car trip.. i might miss counted cause of my friends bothering me.


            • #7
              Randy Pitchford I'view

              Homelan posted an Interview with Gearbox's Randy Pitchford today. Pitchford talks about VALVe's handoff of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero from Gearbox to Ritual. The interview looked kind of like this:
              HomeLAN - Do you know if Valve and Ritual will be starting from stratch or will they be using anything from Gearbox's work on the game?

              Randy Pitchford - Anything is possible, but my understanding is that the content developed at Gearbox and the code that's driving it will be utilized. Some of the things Gearbox developed for Condition Zero (such as the Famas, Galil and Ballistic Shield) are planned to be incorporated into Counter-Strike prior to Condition Zero's launch starting with Counter-Strike version 1.6.
              Their discussion lightly brushes over topics like CSX, the upcoming Xbox port of Counter-Strike (that Gearbox doesn't seem to be involved with at all), and the possibilty of future collaborations between VALVe and Gearbox. Read the entire Homelan interview with right here.


              • #8
                Randy Pitchford I'view

                Yes, folks, it's another Randy Pitchford interview. The guys over at the aptly named Computer and Video Games popped up their own interview with the well-known CS:CZ developer. Here's some sugar from it:
                Do you think that it's important for a game to have a good mod community to keep it alive?

                Pitchford: I think it certainly helps. The idea that there is a constant stream of new content and game designs coming makes it very difficult for me to justify uninstalling Half-Life. What's the next Counter-Strike going to be? How likely is it that the game will be a Half-Life mod?
                How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie pop? We'll never know!


                • #9
                  Playing Halo with a mouse and keyboard has been an awakening experience.
                  Wouldn't have it been nice if he were saying, "Playing Halo with a controller pad has been a frustrating experience after playing it on the PC for so long."

                  Yes, I'm still bitter that Halo was snatched from our beloved PC's and mutated into a console game.

                  And could he have stated all the Gearbox-made games in that article anymore than he did?


                  • #10
                    Edited by [user="41266"] @ [time="1042542623"]

                    Playing Halo with a mouse and keyboard has been an awakening experience.
                    Well, who would have guessed that? *lol* I gave Halo a try, but I would have needed days of playing to get used to the

                    "forget-about-how-many-fingers-you-have-and- use-your-thumbs-and-index-fingers-only"-thing, not to mention the "aim-with-an-analog-joystick"-thing. But after all, they invented the most boring way to control a vehicle...


                    • #11
                      I agree though, Halo on the computer will be great! Especially since watching everyone at my LAN play Halo and wanting to play it, only to find I don't like getting used to Xbox controller


                      • #12
                        FPS games play better on PC with mouse & keyboard, that's for sure, but the fact remains I finished Halo over 9 months ago while PC people without an Xbox are still waiting for it.. And playing it with a controller isn't that bad if you get used to it.. Halo is a great game, can't wait for Halo 2..


                        • #13
                          i tried halo on my buddies xbox. cool game but i cant play with that controller after years on a PC. it's too heavy/bulky and slow. i liked the control pod for my N64 a lot better. the dual analog joysticks controls make me feel like I'm thumb wrestling myself.

                          has anyone got a different operating system (Linux) to run on a xbox yet? it's a kick ass little PC just waiting to happen.


                          • #14
                            yes, an alternative os would be interesting... I heard the current os is a customized linux or sth...?


                            • #15
                              CmdrFlesh wrote..

                              yes, an alternative os would be interesting... I heard the current os is a customized linux or sth...?
                              Yep, you can bet Microsoft used Linux for the X-box.


