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MTV To Air "True Life: I'm A Gamer"

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  • #31
    if you take a step back and look at pro gaming as a whole, it's pretty damn retarded. But at this site, this is already a given, and we need to move on from there. Everyone at this site has already heard the sentiments around this "sport", it doesnt exactly make you perceptive or ironic to bring it up.

    even I posted some anti-esports things at one time, but nobody really gave a shit. It's like going to a KKK site and saying racism is bad (sorry for the negative example, but you get the point).


    • #32
      my birthday is on march 13 wow how nice of them...such a thoughtful birthday present


      • #33
        Dangki wrote..

        This kind of silly violence is more acceptable than an Arab shooting a Navy SEAL with an AK47.
        Not to the kind of people who bitch about violence in videogames. Since when did specifics concern them?

        MTV airs Jackass.
        MikeJ wrote..

        Apparently you never poked your head into the CPL and made all your assumptions based off the post at the OGL forums. The level of tactical play involved in counter-strike is most likely higher than any other game.
        The level of tactical play that CAN be involved with a team-based tactical shooter is naturally going to be higher. The fact of the matter is, there are a whopping 4 out of 20 useful weapons in CS. 2 of which are team-dependent, the 3rd being a pistol, and the 4th being a crutch that kills in 1 hit. That's a whole lot of "tactics potential" right out the window. The recoil system is, again, FUBAR; more "tactics potential" gone. Several of the more played de_ maps are blatantly unbalanced, yet another tactics reducer. The tactical level of play WAS higher. CS also WAS a game that had solid play mechanics. See if you can pick out the operative word there. If we were going with DM vs. CS b6.1, it'd be a whole different ballgame and i'd be on a different team, the one i was on back then.

        I don't know what the Euros have been doing this whole time, but American CS has been largely aim-based up to this point. Only recently have i seen a demo of 3D acting like they had more in the bag than just aim and AWP whores. The rest feel the need to bitch about jumping some more. How am i supposed to look at them as tactically competent when they continue to moan about how much of a skill jumping and abusing hitboxes was?
        I agree that f4t is a better person to follow for the MTV special for some of the reasons listed so far, but to say that counter-strike isn't on par with the competitive pro gaming of UT is just ridiculous. And what do you think people would have to say about the removal of jumping in Unreal Tournament?
        I don't give a shit about UT2k3 as a platform for competitive gaming. I'm talking about 1 on 1 DM as a whole given its predecessors, which had considerably less fussing about involved with competition. Competitive CS is in fragmented shambles comparatively, and has been for some time.

        I know exactly what people would say if they removed jumping from UT. It'd be the same thing they said with CS. The only difference is that if it happened to UT, their argument would have a leg to stand on. What the hell kind of point were you trying to make there, anyway?
        I think your slanders about team gaming are a slap in the face to e-sports as a whole.
        Good. Saves me the trouble of mentioning that the "esports" scene consists largely of fuckheads.

        What I'm saying is the pro gaming scene, including unreal tournament and the other deatmatch games, have a long ways to go, and to call one or the other better now is ungrounded.
        "Ungrounded" my ass. You have 2 people, they play. One wins. That's it. The competitors could clan-hop on an hourly basis and it wouldn't affect anything. Inter-clan squabbles also mean jack. Can't field a 6 man team? Doesn't matter. Lineup change? Good luck trying to pull that off without funny looks. 1 on 1 is inherently more stable than team deals. Stability is exactly what "pro gaming" needs for the spectator standpoint that everyone seems to be so fond of. That makes it better in the context of "pro gaming", for the time being at least. Given CS' current state, UT2k3/Q3 DM also gives solid gameplay rules for spectators to latch onto.

        Walking may be better than crawling, but crawling first is better than trying to walk straight away. Team-based competition, as far as CS is concerned, has either skipped or ignored a few steps. "Esports" is going to be stuck in a perpetual circle jerk if it keeps going the way it has with CS.
        disabled wrote..

        I had nothing to say, but i posted anyway.


        • #34
          Due to the somewhat "recent" terrorist actions, Americans and other nationalities alike do not like to see figures clad with ski masks and packing ak-47s. I realize what you're saying is that UT is by far a more "graphic" game, but in some way that's more acceptable. CS brings a much more realistic image compared to UT2k3, and therefore is less appealing to the average viewer. I can go buy an AK-47 at a local shop. I can't find any hand held flak cannons painted gold with cords coming out everywhere.


          • #35
            Apparently you don't live in Texas.


            • #36
              What about that bill brasky person? He makes cs'ers look bad.... er.


              • #37
                E-Sports is gay. I hesitate to even call it a sport. Games are for fun, once you turn it into a sport I say get a fucking life.


                • #38
                  I'm sorry, you're just too cool


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      Psionic wrote..

                      E-Sports is gay. I hesitate to even call it a sport. Games are for fun, once you turn it into a sport I say get a fucking life.
                      I'm sorry, I didn't know sports weren't allowed to be fun.


                      • #41
                        MTV....We tell you whats cool!!

                        MTV is only cool for its comedy shows.


                        • #42
                          mtv plays gay music and gay music are the only music nominated for the grammys

                          people have no taste these days


                          • #43
                            superm0nk wrote..

                            Due to the somewhat "recent" terrorist actions, Americans and other nationalities alike do not like to see figures clad with ski masks and packing ak-47s. I realize what you're saying is that UT is by far a more "graphic" game, but in some way that's more acceptable. CS brings a much more realistic image compared to UT2k3, and therefore is less appealing to the average viewer.
                            On the contrary, "cartoony" violence has been a staple point in the "Videogames are desensitizing kids to violence" angle. We all should know by now that it's a catch 22 situation and that those kinds of people won't be happy until we're all playing Nerf Arena Blast.
                            I can go buy an AK-47 at a local shop. I can't find any hand held flak cannons painted gold with cords coming out everywhere.
                            I can't find the bombsite to Aztec in my back yard either. Good luck with that purchase too.
                            disabled wrote..

                            I'm still posting for no apparent reason.

