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Minnesota LAN

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  • #16
    i was on vacation in minnesota, and i absolutely loved it. i wouldn't mind living there someday.


    • #17
      But he won't edit his mistake


      • #18
        This seems pretty cool, if I lived around Mini-Soda I would be there in a sec. Anyway, I hope a big ass LAN like that makes it to Los Angeles. Cyber Cafe's are such a weak scene around where I live. Nearest cafe is like 10 miles from my house!!


        • #19
          superm0nk wrote..

          i was on vacation in minnesota, and i absolutely loved it. i wouldn't mind living there someday.
          Never, ever say that. D:
          m3_maniac wrote..

          Nearest cafe is like 10 miles from my house!!
          Are you implying that that is far? That's pretty close IMO.


          • #20
            it's not all that fun living here. IT'S WAY TO DAMN COLD.


            • #21
              10 miles in parts of L.A. can take a while. As far as Minnesota goes, everyone I know from there seems to say the name slightly slower than we all do here in Oregon. Of course, probably most people pronounce at least half of other states' names wrong. I know I get annoyed at people calling my state "Or-uh-gawwn" instead of "ory-gun" and such.

              The point of all this is that StealthMonkey and I both live in the best state in the area between california and washington, I occasionally say "eh" especially after trips to B.C., and "pop" is naturally superior to "soda" because "pop" is shorter and quicker to say. Besides, you can't be called a "pop jerk." Yes, that was rather random.

              Have fun at the LAN, whoever's going...


              • #22

                150 people lan 'friggin huge'????

                Where I live, that would be considered a small local LANparty

                (Denmark, Europe).

                The next LAN i am attending is 800 people, and that isn't even the biggest. The biggest LAN held in Denmark is The Party, and it has 4000 participants


                • #23
                  Mpls is a great city when it isn't -10. i won't be attending the LAN however. all you nationalists who live in Mpls: stop by my little server sometime: it's located in stylish Uptown. i am sure you will ping well and find plenty o' nubs.


                  • #24
                    150 people was big 4 years ago

