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SOTD European Mirror

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  • #16
    the uk people dont want war, its the stupid george bushes puppet (read: tony blair) that wants war.


    • #17
      And you assume that every American wants war? "EDUCATE YOURSELVES"


      • #18
        lol rze, i wouldnt bring education into this, we all know how 'educated' americans are.

        *cough graduated at 24 from high school cough*...


        • #19
          Edited by [user="32044"] @ [time="1047157219"]

          my comp has been dead for awhile, and once I (partly) fixed it, i figured I should say hi to all CSN people again.

          Hello all.

          Ok, now that I've done that, I can talk about the article. Even though I am not European, nor do I download SOTDs, I think it is about time CSN got someone over there to mirror them in all their sweet pixeled goodness. Good Job Computer Games Online, and be prepared for a lot more visitors to your servers, methinks.

          Ghengis, nice article there, but I dont agree with the last paragraph. The planet is a self-correcting organism. It doesn't need our help. I mean, come on, we (humanity, not a specific nation) can't figure out our own shit. How do we expect to save the other animals, let alone the whole planet? It can fix itself.

          On the other hand, I DO agree with your second paragraph, but I think Penguin was just joking around.


          • #20
            rizzuh wrote..

            Yeah the UK has nothing to do with the push for war. Just like peanut butter has nothing to do with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

            Well said...


            • #21
              The UK has been with America since day one on the Iraq issue. They were with them in the Gulf War, they've been bombing Iraq for 12 years policing the no-fly zone with the Americans, they've got thousands of troops on the door step of Iraq ready for war just like America and the SAS are already "operating" in Iraq as we speak.

              Oh wait it's okay because the opinion polls say most Brits don't want a war, well that's okay then.


              • #22
                It's amazing how 1 comment by Ghengis can completely change the subject from CS to kill Iraq/dont kill Iraq.

                I say we just bomb 'em all, turn the sand to glass, then we can see the oil over there, and make an interesting thing for ISS/Space Shuttle to film. Imagine a big mirror covering all of the Middle east. Hehe.


                • #23
                  Frito Bandito wrote..

                  It's amazing how 1 comment by Ghengis can completely change the subject from CS to kill Iraq/dont kill Iraq.

                  I say we just bomb 'em all, turn the sand to glass, then we can see the oil over there, and make an interesting thing for ISS/Space Shuttle to film. Imagine a big mirror covering all of the Middle east. Hehe.
                  Thats funny on so many levels, im sure your not intelligent enoughto have intended,..


                  • #24
                    America and Britain have a fairly long history of sticking together, and I can't recall us voting differently in the UN almost ever. I once thought that was neat to have such a brotherhood with another nation, but it seems much of the populace of that nation doesn't wish to acknowledge our common bond. Regardless, we don't need more commentary on Iraq in this thread. Thanks in advance for cooperating and not getting your off-topic posts deleted.

                    Nice job getting the SotD mirror up, and hopefully those crazy Europeans will finally stop leeching our American bandwidth! ;-)


                    • #25
                      I like it.


                      • #26
                        What a beautiful model.


                        • #27
                          absolute. best. player. model. ever.


                          • #28
                            Brilliant. Reminds me of the scenes in Metal Gear Solid 2 with the Navy Seals getting their throats slashed up by Vamp... um... yeah.

                            Anyway, quality model, though it's too high-poly for me to use. Better then LAca's models though, quite surprising to find this sort of quality all done by just one person.

                            The skin is also very good, personally I think the clothes look just like they should since the Half-Life engine is a bit lame, and if you ever try to add any sort of 'cloth texture' it just always looks like a chequered pattern, which sucks. So it's better off without then with.

                            Overall, brilliant model, though at the end of the day this just isn't practical for me to use personally, so I'm not gonna give it the almighty 10/10 rating. If however you've got a decent enough machine to use this with absolutely no problems at all, consider this a 10/10.


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                Wow. Just wow. o_o Are the knee pads misaligned? Other than that, this is just amazing...

