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SOTD European Mirror

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  • SOTD European Mirror

    Thanks to Computer Games Online, we now have a European Skin of the Day download mirror. In related news, CS-Nationalists can now review the Skin of the Day regardless of the date it was originally posted. May is missing a lot of SOTD reviews, even though I posted this a few days ago. Get cracking!

  • #2
    finally, a quicker download

    not that i ever use SOTD

    nice to know theres sum fin for us!

    :P pie

    Get one in the UK!


    • #3
      Darn, equal rights for foreigners. I didn't fight, maim, and kill in DoD for this to occur.


      • #4
        im a foreigner


        • #5
          My condolences


          • #6
            /me breaks down and cries because he is an outcast of society


            • #7
              I already get fast speeds. I'm in Canada eh?


              • #8
                Edited by [user="54146"] @ [time="1047118004"]

                I use skn of the day very regularly, And most of my keepers are from here.

                However I have never had to wait more than a minute downloading anything from you folks, and im only n a half meg dsl line in UK.

                The only problem is my browser wont let me flick back to the site to read something whikle its doing it. I usuallyopen another borwser to keep reading when I go on a skin mission.

                But seriously your default datathorn one, is fantstic, good speed no pissing baout, just quality dl times. Nice one

                Thinbk about it this way then Penguin, If it was not for us a foreigners where would Your economy and your warmongering bullying go then?

                Youd have to have internal rife and butchery to satisfy this inhrent need for destruciton and power...

                Ten days left for peacxe, and then USA may be opening a pandoras box of resentment and grudges fro years to come. Ah who cares, Theyll target you lot first when they get ya back,. and ill be off to somewhere nice hot and arab asap.. Dubai is good I hear...

                All though New Zealand may be quite safe, and I hear they actually give a damn about the earths ecology and stuff there too..

                Silly fighting over dwindiling oil resources, when The very artmosphere we nreath i being poioned nby car fumes daily, when Your oil prices are less than 50% of ours for example, I see hwo thats gonna attract people to conservation. However with your fast food society you live for today and fuck tmorrow, cos tomorrow never comes, well I got news for ya, Tomorrow comes every day, and we are just messing things up not only for future generations, but in YOUR LIFETIME!!! The shape of the planet will be changed by polay elting icecaps, due to global warming. As I was the teen age of most of the readers of this site, I was constantly taught about greenhouse gases and how the ozone layer is fucked, They dont teach you much about it now, cos they know it is inevitable. EDUCATE YOURSELVES; FREE YOUR MINDS AND YOUR SPIRIT WILL FOLLOW

                Thats all,

                PE¤ace, PLS DONT HAVE A CRAPPYWAR:


                • #9
                  RIGHT ON!


                  • #10
                    Ghengis you say that as if we- the UK have nothing to do with the imminent invasion of Iraq and it's all evil America's doing.

                    But anyway... yeh this is good for all the people who don't live on the western edge of Europe. A UK mirror would defy the point as we don't need it and it wouldn't improve the speed much for the continentals, unlike a more centralised Romanian mirror.


                    • #11
                      ComputerGames Online is from my country, Romania. Fast download for me ! Good job!


                      • #12
                        didnt know they had computers or internet in romania...hmmm.

                        and yay for all the non-fileplant mirrors


                        • #13
                          Yeah the UK has nothing to do with the push for war. Just like peanut butter has nothing to do with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


                          • #14
                            lol thats funny


                            • #15
                              ...if war breaks out, me ain't playing CS for a moment...


