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Levelord Q&A

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  • #31
    jumbo shrimp wrote..

    WHAT HAPPEN TO THE AI?? he didn't mention(avoid?) any AI, is it going to be like the other stupid FPS?? or like podbot(rocks!)?
    he avoided like every godamn question, and i dont think anyone couldve been more vague in answering those questions... expect CS:CZ to hit the store shelves on 8-3-X



    • #32
      Insomniac wrote..

      garry, stfu, u never have anything nice to why say it?

      i loved the interview until the moment he said de_dust rules...that spolit my oppinion of the guy completely.

      mrT, no one is forcing u to play in software mode...or u just want to whine about something?

      cabalsoljea, low means that if u can barely play cs at an acceptable framerate right now, then CS:CZ wont be very pleasant to play.

      im glad this interview wasnt from randy 'CZ will be out in 2007' pitchford, but from someone with a personality...i usually avoid cz interviews, but this one tells us quite a bit about the upcoming game.

      and for all you kiddies who recently got mummy to buy you CS from the store and who are complaining how 'shit the graphics look', yes CS may not have pixel and vertex shaders, but it's a damn well-polished game and frankly some of the modern games nowadays seem so rushed and the gameplay is awful.
      so... you never say anything bad eh? what's wrong with liking de_dust?

      my comp is quite up there i say... but how bout my poor 'ol friends without good comp? k... this is stupid... i'm encouraging stagnation.... forget it...

      just don't be a hypocrite...


      • #33
        Levelord is my hero, he did so many cool maps for the Duke Nukem 3d.. oh man oh man..


        • #34
          You are not supposed to be here.
          CabalSoljea™ wrote..

          Why aren't they answering the questions?

          hmmm... lower end can't play CS... hmmm... how low is low?
          "Low end" will be whatever is twice as fast as the "minimum requirements" on the box. Running the game with the "minimum requirements" will actually cause your machine to get up and kick you in the nuts if you try to run the executable.

